robbers: 1.2

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We were sitting in the back of a taxi I really wanted to sleep but the car kept bumping because of all the pot holes. We were listening to the radio and then Michael hit my leg with his foot.

"Hey guess what." He said grinning.


"The songs on the radio are okay." He said and I began blushing

"But my taste in music is your face." He added making me laugh.

"Nice song lyric pick up line totally digging it." I giggled.

"I've got plenty." He smirked.

"Oh really now?" I replied raising an eyebrow at him and sitting up.


"Maybe you should tell me a few." I said lacing my fingers together.

"Nah, I'm waiting for the perfect timing." He said sipping his Starbucks it's completely ironic because days ago he was willing to rob them. I checked my phone again 2:04 only 5 hours until Matty comes and I'm definitely sleeping within that time. We arrived at the house and Michael paid the taxi driver.

"Next time we should bring Monster energy drinks." He yawned

"Yeah seriously." I said stepping a foot in the house and I already hear them running around upstairs, We walk into the living room they are all sitting on the couches.

"Where have you two been?" Ashton leaned forward as if he was interviewing us.

"Out." Michael said shrugging.

"Yeah obviously dip shit." Calum said rolling his eyes.

"I don't really care why am I here?" Luke said getting up to get something to eat and Indie rolled her eyes at him.

"We came home at like 1:00 and you were all sleeping so then I thought 'why not have a fucking adventure.'" I said answering Ashton's previous question

"So I'm going to bed." I said walking upstairs.

"Wake us up when September ends." Michael said trailing after.

"It's mid November." Calum yelled trying to completely demolish Michael's terrible joke.

"I am well aware." Michael yelled back closing his door.

I set an alarm for 6:30 and plopped down on my bed and went straight to sleep.


I was awoken by the sound of an alarm and nearly rolled out of bed.

It's 6:30

I tried my hardest to motivate myself to get out of bed. I ended up hitting the snooze button and taking a 9 minute rest until I had to get up again. I eventually got up and got dressed but I was totally considering going back to bed after I got dressed but then again i want to wake up Michael.

I walked to his room and picked up his guitar, I didn't know what to play do I went through my phone for some idea, I ended up coming across Paramore and picked out Misery Business, I plugged his guitar into his amplifier then turned it up louder then I did last
time, I began to strum and I heard Michael groan.

"I'm in the business of misery let's take it from the top she's got a body like an hour glass but it's ticking like a clock, it's a matter of time before we all run out when I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth." Michael covered his ears with his pillow trying to block out the sound but it clearly wasn't working so I stopped and played something else.

"I got your picture I'm coming with you
dear Maria count me in there's-" He made a motion of turning a dial indicating he wanted another song and I laughed.

I readjusted the guitar to make me feel a bit more comfortable and began playing the beginning of Beautiful girls.

"Oh yeah I can definitely get dressed to this song." Michael said getting up from his bed.

"Actually put the guitar down we can just play it from my phone." He said helping me with the guitar, He grabbed his phone and plugged it into his speaker and began to play Beautiful girls. He turned around to face his closet and played air guitar.

"She was seaside sittin', just a smokin' and a drinkin' on ringside, on top of the world, oh yeah." Michael sang softly to while looking around his closet tossing out a red flannel and putting it on his bed and pulling up his black skinny jeans.

"She had her drink in her hand; she had her toes in the sand and whoa,what a beautiful girl, ah, yeah." He sang and looked back at me pretending to hold a microphone.

"What a sweet talkin' honey with a little bit of money can turn your head around.
Creatures from the sea with the look to me like she'd like to fool around." He continued singing softly and began to dance with me.

"What a snappy little mammy. Gonna keep her pappy happy and accompany me to the ends of the earth, ah, yeah." He took off his shirt and put on a belt.

"Here I am, ain't no man of the world, no.
All I need is a beautiful girl." He continued singing, he grabbed my hands and spun me into his chest then held me there for a while.

"Ah, yeah! Beautiful girls." He spun me again and let go of my hand and continued to sing.

"Well, I'm a bum in the sun and I'm having fun.
And I know you know I got no special plans.
All the bills are paid. I got it made in the shade, and all I nee, nee, need is the woman." He got down on his knees in front of me and I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"What a sweet talkin' honey with a little bit of money can turn your head around.
Creatures from the sea with the looks to me like she'd like to fool around." He winked back at me and put on the half buttoned up flannel.

"Here I am, ain't no man of the world, no.
All I need is a beautiful girl.
Ah, yeah! Beautiful girls." We began to dance again, We danced until we reached the end of the song and I began to fade, He was still holding me as he softly sang the last few lines rocking me back and forth, We stared into each other's eyes and leaned in slowly until we were both startled by a phone buzzing.

"You gonna get that?" Michael smirked still looking me in the eyes and not letting go of me.

"If I could I would." I giggled looking up at him, He dipped me down which caused me to squeal, When he raised me back up he let me go retrieve my phone and he leaned against the door.

"Oh it's Matty." I turned around and saw his smile fade slightly.

"What did he say?" He said finishing to button up his shirt then rolling up his sleeves.

"He says to 'Wear something that covers your identity' fuck." I said and ran my fingers through my hair.

"What?" Michael questioned

"You ready for your first armed robbery?" I said looking up from my phone to face Michael.


(a/n: fucking feel factory hahaha I'm so not okay oh and my best friend met 5sos HAHAHAHAHHAFUCKINGKILLMEHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA she has Ashton's drumstick and Lucifers pick haha and Calum's oh so emo I'm so emo)

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