Chapter Forty - 'Your Number Two Hero'

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[A/N: Thank you all for coming this far... without further ado, I welcome you to the last chapter of EO/SP. ]


I walked into the store to find Jackie preoccupied with a customer, and for a split second my eyes deceive me for someone else when I find the person to be in a leather jacket.

The two seem too engrossed in their conversation to notice my presence the door's bell had announced. I wait patiently, a box of freshly baked muffins in hand.

"Thank you- pardon me, what do I call you, dear?" Jackie asked the person sheepishly, her cheeks flushed with colour, it's the happiest she's looked in a while and the sight warms me, bringing a smile to my lips.

The woman in the leather jacket laughed delightfully, "Stacy is fine, ma'am."

Jackie nodded, clutching a pretty gold necklace to her chest. And as if the muffins declared louder presence than the bell, I noticed Jackie perk up with a sniff, her eyes flickering up to find me, surprise and joy lit up her face. "Liv! Brilliant timing." She exclaimed, heading around the counter to approach me.

I grinned, "Hi Jackie, these are for you- as promised!"

Jackie squealed, taking the box excitedly from my hands, "They look scrumptious! You're too kind, dear." she said, tugging at my cheeks affectionately.

My attention finds itself locked onto the woman who'd been talking to Jackie, her gaze is catlike, more so peering than noticing. "Liv, huh?" I heard her say under her breath, her lips curling into an enigmatic smirk.

"Sorry to interrupt," I said politely to the woman looking at me as though I was a familiar face.

She ran a hand through her raven pixie cut, and I could've sworn her features shifted as she lowered her arm, as if she were a glitch. "No harm done." She said, her charismatic voice smooth and firm- familiar, which dumbfounds me as I'm sure I'd never been in contact with her before.

Jackie opened up the box and offered the woman a muffin, to which she happily accepted.

"Do I know you?" I asked curiously, tilting my head at her.

The Stacy woman took a big chomp of the muffin, "Probably." she said, her voice muffled.

Her vague answer only raises more questions and I find myself having to awkwardly wait for her to swallow her mouthful so she can elaborate. "I'm on the news quite a bit... although perhaps not as much here in San Fransisco." She smiled before raising her muffin in cheers, "This is absolutely delicious, did you make it, Liv?"

I'm a little unsettled hearing my name used so fondly by a stranger, but I can't help but smile at her natural friendliness- it reminds me of Ash and Kimmy. I nodded, pleased at the compliment, "I did, but if I'm being honest they're my third attempt." I said sheepishly.

Jackie chuckled, placing the box of muffins down at the counter, "You two can talk, I'll just be taking care of this." she declared, picking up a large black bag sitting on the ground at the woman's feet and heading to the back room, leaving us alone.

I raised my eyebrows, "Talk?" I echoed, looking up at the woman who seemed more invested in demolishing the muffin. "Are you a celebrity or something?" I wondered aloud, no famous Stacy's came to mind.

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