Chapter Twenty-Three - 'Weaselled Her Way In'

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[ A/N: I saw these cuties^^ on tumblr and they kinda reminded of Liv & Reece, can you guess who would be who?
On a more serious note; I apologise sincerely if I did not portray any medical conditions properly. I swear I did a hell of a lot research writing the last two chapters. (Excuses excuses...) With that said, please feel free to correct me anytime with anything and I'll make changes! Future notification warning: I'll be editing some chapters soon too! :]


When Reece opens the door, I'm greeted by a large ball of black and white fur. I grinned, bending down to pet the excited husky, "He's adorable!" I cooed.

"And deprived of affection, so he'll probably cling to you now." Reece said, his voice light.

I look up to properly acknowledge Reece, he's leaning against the door frame, a ghost of a smile on his lips. He's wearing a grey sweater that hangs on his thin frame and black jeans that hug to his long legs. He's practically looming over me, I've forgotten how tall he actually is.

I raised an accusing eyebrow. "You haven't been playing with him?"

He shrugged, titling his head back, hair falling into his eyes, "I've only had him for two days. He's taken more time out of my work than he should." He said.

I laughed, scratching the dog's chin. The husky bares his teeth and tips it's head, evidently pleased. "I'm flattered you spared your precious time to come find me then." I said, only half teasing.

Reece rolled his eyes, lazily motioning me inside before closing the door. The unit is as cosy as I remembered it to be, the lights are dimmer than I'm use to and it's not as unnecessarily spacious as home, it feels...welcoming. "I brought Cyber along for the ride, so it wasn't entirely a wasted trip." He said, taking the stairs two steps at a time. I've been quite cautious of stairs since the falling incident and I follow him up at a slow pace while the dog, who must've been Cyber, trails up between us, filling in widening the gap. 

"Cyber, huh? It suits him." I said, "Did you name him?"

"My friend's little sister, Brianna." Reece said, "She adopted him on a whim and totally forgot her dad had an allergy."

I nodded, grimacing at the thought of being allergic to such a thing. Like Brian with cats. "Ah, so you're taking care of him." I said.

"Until she finds him a new owner." He confirmed, walking into the room furthest down the hall, Cyber and I follow him in.

His room is...interesting. It reminded me strangely of the split dye hairstyle people would have, I have no idea why that comparison of all else came to mind, but it worked. Walking in is immediately shocking. The welcoming half of his room was messy, the other half was neat, almost empty. Like two different halves of two different rooms of opposite people. The messy half was littered with an array of tech and yellow sticky notes attached to every inch of his desk, his textbook-filled bookshelf and his wall. The other half was really, just his closet, his neatly made bed, a standing keyboard and a lamp. Strangely enough, the room suited the Reece I've known known shortly of.

"Wow." I voiced aloud, "What is it exactly you do?"

"Computer software engineer." He answered, pulling out his chair, turning it around and sitting down. I allow myself to sit down onto his bed, Cyber hops up beside me too.

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