Chapter Five - 'Like From Pokemon?'

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I was starting to regret the decision of a gap year. I had originally thought having it would be best idea ever considering how hellish I considered high school. But now that I was living it, it was more just like a never ending Sunday.

At this point I'd take up any opportunity to use up as much of my time as possible, do things I couldn't do before when my weeks would be taken up by school hours. But motivation wasn't quite there when Tyler wasn't around as much to hang out because he had started his job as a casual tutor.

I look around my room, as if I looked hard enough something would pop up. I force myself to get up and find myself wandering towards my bookshelf. I had considered reading a few times but I had read each book or comic on the shelf at least twice. I needed something new.

The library.

I grab my necessities and pull on a pair of socks before I head on downstairs.

I'm greeted by the smell of cooked pasta and tomato sauce. I'm truly disappointed when I see that it is Elizabeth cooking.

I had expected to see my dad in front of the stove. He only knew how to cook a few things and pasta was one of them. He was there nonetheless, except he was sitting at the counter, watching Elizabeth as she stirred the pot.

Was he teaching her how to make his pasta?

I can't help it but feel a little envious, my dad had promised to teach me how to make his pasta over the years yet we never seemed to get around to it due to his constant busy schedule, and the day he wasn't busy, he had went to Elizabeth? The woman he sees from the moment he opens his eyes to the moment he closes them?

My dad seems to notice my presence because he turns abruptly, a look of pleasant surprise lights up his ageing face. "Oh Olivia, I'm teaching your m- Elizabeth how to make pasta, it should be done pretty soon, stay and eat." He said, quickly recovering from his slip up.

Did he almost just call Elizabeth my mother?

I hesitate. I can't deny that it smells good. If I did eat it, it'd probably be the healthiest thing I've eaten all week- which says a lot considering how pasta isn't really all that healthy- at least my dad's version wasn't.

"It's not like you have a job to go to." Elizabeth interjects. I bite back the snarky remark I have in mind.

The two of them stare at me, waiting for a response. "C'mon, I haven't eaten with you for a while." Dad said, a little disappointed. Now that he mentioned it, I don't even recall the last time we were in the same room for more than five minutes.

Well maybe if you invited me out with you when you went with Elizabeth every week, it wouldn't be like this.

"Sure." I said, forcing a smile.

So we eat, we eat like a family. I think that's what my dad would say, otherwise, it was anything but that. I felt like a third wheel. To my dad. How weird is that? The two of them discuss plans of buying new furniture and reservations for some fancy restaurant next week whilst I shovelled the pasta into my mouth.

"How was the food Olivia? I think Elizabeth's might be better than mine!" Dad said, just noticing my vocal absence.

It just didn't feel right knowing my dad didn't cook it. "It was alright, I guess." I mumbled, pushing the plate away.

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