Chapter Fifteen - 'Did I Become Prettier?'

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When I'm laughing with Reece, I find myself not wanting for this rare moment to end as quickly as I know all shortly lived moments with him will. I put away the other colourful assortment of bandaids and turn back to him, my face flushed with heat. "Let's get Spongebob on this cut of yours." I grin, pulling away the plastic sleeves and placing the bandaid on him.

"You look like you've put your hand in a blender." he suddenly said amidst the silence, his voice surprisingly quiet.

I look up to glare at him, despite wanting to have heard wrong, what I heard probably did come out of his mouth. "What?"

"They're all crooked." he said with a half smile, casually reaching over to grab my occupied hand off the first aid kit. He begins to file through my fingers as if they're well, files. "Do you lift weights, too? Why are they so calloused?" he sniggered, I can't tell if he's talking to me or to himself at this point.

I pursed my lips and raised a suggestive eyebrow. "Are you the type who gets weird and frisky late at night?" I half-joked. His prickly personality seemed rather hard to break through, but now that we were here, I stand corrected. Perhaps I'd misjudged since the start.

A wicked smirk lights up his face. "Probably." he winked.

I pretend to gag and turn to feign barfing over the sink.

"Every sound a man wants to hear." he chuckled. I didn't realise he was still holding my hand until he drops it.

I look at him through the mirror, "Never do that with your face, that wink just dried out the San Fransisco river."

"I'm flattered my face can make such an impact." He retorted coolly, tugging down the hem of his sleeve.

I grab another bandaid for Kimmy before putting away the first aid kit, "Can I say something stupid?" I blurted.

"What's stopping you now?" he quipped.

I roll my eyes, mildly offended at his jab. "You and Ash really don't look like siblings." I hesitantly stated. I began listing off differences in my head, now that I've said it, I really realise just how different they looked. While Ash had a darker complexion, dimples, soft features, short hair...Reece was the absolute opposite.

He scoffed, "Well we're not twins." I can't seem to decipher the emotion from his tone. It's usually safer to assume I've annoyed someone, so I awkwardly recoil.

"Right. Never mind." I murmured. I can feel his gaze on me, but I refuse to meet his eyes, embarrassed at my moment of ignorance. I begin to walk out of the bathroom. He shortly follows after, his footsteps are almost silent.

"One of us is adopted." he suddenly said. 

I abruptly stop and Reece walks into my back, if he were any taller he may have toppled over me. I turn back around to face him, which was not a good idea as I was only a few inches away from the stairs.

I can't help but gasp, "What?"

He looks as if to answer, but he quickly shuts his mouth instead and smirks. I can't tell if he's joking or not. Then he dares place his hand on my head and begins ruffling my hair, not only messing up my bangs but also making me feel an unpleasant wave of emotions. Irritation for instance. Before I can chew him out for it, he winks at me once more and makes his way down stairs.

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