Chapter Thirty-Five - 'I'll Kick You In The Shin'

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I seem to have two left feet and a knack for bumping into people- both of which has resulted in a smoothie spill all over my blue dress- the dress my Grandma had gotten me. But despite the universe's efforts to create disaster, I tried not to let it put me into a sour mood.

After trying my best to clean up in the mall's bathroom with copious amounts of paper towels that only seemed to make it look worse, I gave up and decided I'd just have to go the whole day with a huge wet stain on my chest smelling like mangoes. It could've been worse I guess.

I started making my way back to my friends who must've just gotten to the movie theatre to line up and buy us the tickets for a documentary, the documentary that has kicked the whole world into gear. Kimmy and I had been raving about it since it was first announced- the documentary came out of nowhere and had given the Super fanatics something to talk about; as heroic activity didn't occur as often as it use to.

Maybe it's true what they say, that there needs to be a villain to have a hero- and we don't particularly have that. Crooks and thugs, sure, but nothing in the big leagues with phenomenal abilities. I suppose I could understand the popular argument that our world didn't need Supers, but it still made me irrationally angry- especially since a certain Super is still under wraps and unavailable.

Anyway, Kimmy had the brilliant idea of dragging our friends to come watch it with us on the opening weekend, begrudgingly, Tyler agreed whilst Chrissy and Ash only took a little convincing.

I'm so excited as I reach the theatres that I walk into someone, again. "Oh! Sorry." I said sheepishly, apologising to the tall man's back until I realise I'm familiar with it. The scent and the looming height in particular. "Reece!" I exclaimed, surprised. I almost want to break into a run at the sight of him.

I had a reason for this, not a good one albeit, but a reason nonetheless. My horrible coping mechanism had kicked into gear, horrible because really- I was hardly coping. It's been three days since the date with Reece, three days I've been kind of avoiding him.

Reece turned around, just as surprised to see me, "Olivia." Still seemed to be his favourite greeting along with 'you're alive'. He was wearing a plain white shirt and dark jeans- the weather was quite warm recently and it was the norm but it still always surprised me to see his arms, which were usually covered by sweaters or jackets. I'd quickly learn it's just as pale as the rest of him.

"Coffee girl!" A voice chimed in. Next to Reece stood a girl looking at me delightfully. It takes me a moment, but I realise it's the girl I'd bumped into the morning of Elizabeth's and my dad's party. Yet another victim of my two left feet, seriously, what the hell is wrong with me?

It was familiar face after the other, because on the other side of her, stood a confused looking Kyle. Kyle, the guy who worked at the bowling centre, the guy who knew me as a kid, the guy who could've been another brother figure to Tyler and I if he'd stuck around after the death of Cade four years ago. I've been seeing a lot of him lately, so maybe he'll stick around this time.

Kyle frowned, dumbfounded. "I know you two know each other..." he murmured, looking at Reece and I before turning back to the girl who I now realise he shares an obvious resemblance to. "but you know her too?"

I could almost hear his thought process, how does everyone in my life know this girl?

"Yeah!" The girl who'd dubbed me as coffee girl said, "Well, not really- we ran into each other on the street a week ago! I'm surprised I remember."

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