Chapter Four - 'This Is A Good Milkshake'

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If I'd known meeting Super Psych would come hand in hand with constant paranoia towards every man I encounter, I would've stayed inside. The curiosity was killing me, and it hadn't even been 24 hours yet.

It wasn't a scared paranoia though, it was a suspicious paranoia that kept me jittery and constantly assuming that the next man to lay their eyes on me could be him. As if the real identity of Super Psych would walk up to me and apologise for pressing his bloody hand across my mouth whilst simultaneously dirtying my favourite sweater.

"You're acting weird." Tyler noticed, "We should go to that café after, they have good food."

The thought of food makes me feel a little better, the two of us had skipped breakfast as there was really no food in the pantry that we could eat straight from the package. We couldn't cook at all with the few ingredients that were there, I recall a time Tyler came over and due to boredom we decided to cook eggs. It didn't end quite well.

I suppose there was an option to ask Elizabeth to cook for us, but I'd rather starve. It'd be like giving in and calling her mum, and I wasn't that desperate yet.

I nodded and clasp my hands together. "Yeah, good idea." I said, "Dad gave us quite a bit so we should have some to spare."

"Well we really do have to buy a lot of things." Tyler said, plucking a large bag of chips of the shelf and throwing it into the basket. "You guys would definitely die in an zombie apocalypse from starvation."

I playfully shove my elbow into his stomach, "It doesn't matter if all we have is cat food because my top notch fighting skills will fend em' off." I glanced down at Tyler's crutches, "If anything, you'd die due to lack of speed."

Tyler smirked and held up one of his crutches with ease, "Not only will they help me walk, they will help me fight, so really who's got the upper hand?"

I laugh, "Fair enough. I'm surprised you were willing to come here with me, isn't it a pain walking long distances in crutches?"

He rolled back his shoulders and there was a crack, gosh I hated it when he cracked his joints. "A little, but I'll manage. Besides, who knows what will happen to you today if I'm not beside you...considering the events that took place last night which left you with a bloody sweater that you have yet explained to me." He said in complete seriousness, the air around us is suddenly very tense. It amazes me how his levity can do a full 180° mid sentence.

I internally groan, this conversation was bound to come up soon, I just really hoped he'd forget. I also didn't feel as if telling him in a supermarket at 10 o'clock in the morning would be the best, it seemed more like a private type of conversation you'd have.

I turn around to pick up a couple packets of ramen off the shelves before throwing them into the shopping basket I was holding. I hear Tyler sigh, there's no way he's going to let the topic go as easily this time, doing so last night was a miracle itself. He could be very stubborn when he wanted to be.

"How about we finish getting groceries and if we have money to spare we can go to that café and then I'll explain everything."

"I'm sorry did I hear an if?"

"Fine, when we do finish this I will explain it all to you at the café. Happy?"

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