Chapter Thirty-Seven - 'Is That Blood?'

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Something in the atmosphere has felt amiss and ominous ever since we'd left the theatre and it only seemed to intensify every passing moment. Was it just me?

My wandering gaze caught Tyler's and he immediately offers a grin before quickly frowning when he realises I'm not going to return it, "You look sick." He said, causing our friends to turn and look at me with both curiosity and concern.

I laughed sharply, quickly playing it off, "Just hungry."

"Good thing we're about to eat!" Kimmy said gleefully ahead of us, her arm linked with Bri's. Their adorableness manages to bring a small smile to my lips and I find my eyes drifting towards Reece, who is listening to Ash talk about something as they walked together. The brothers interacting warms my heart, even more so when I realise they're both smiling.

I continued to follow behind Chrissy and Kyle who like the others, seemed to know where they were going, I wasn't really sure where we were heading, I guess asking never came to mind since leaving the theatre, much less talking.

For an excessive amount of time, I couldn't decide whether I was more worried sick about SP or more sickened by the documentary. Lately my emotions felt more overwhelming than necessary, I was conflicted over things I wasn't even sure about. Super Psych where are you? What are you doing? Answer my bloody calls!

Tyler slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side and out my thoughts, "I know what you're like when you're hungry, and this isn't it. What's wrong?" he asked lightly. I guess it really was just me.

"I really hated the documentary." I answered honestly, digging my nails into my palm as we continued to walk. Tyler and I were at the back of the pack, and I was kind of glad for it, I didn't want to put a damper on everyone else's mood by currently feeling the way I did. I doubt I could hold up a convincing smile for too long, my face felt tense.

My best friend sniggered, "Really? Considering how excited you've been for it, it must've been real shit. Sad your hero friend wasn't in it?" he teased, but his voice was a little weird.

I stiffened at the mention of SP. "Right, you slept through the whole thing didn't you?" I replied, raising an accusing eyebrow, but it lacks seriousness as I find myself wishing I'd slept through it too.

Tyler shrugged, evidently not sorry. "It put me to sleep. It was like listening to a nature documentary."

I sighed, "I'd rather watch that. At least there'd be cool animals."

Tyler looked down at me seriously for a few strange seconds as though it's the first time he's properly seen me. "Not having fun?" he asked seriously, sounding almost worried. His sudden shift in mood brings the thought of SP back into my mind and I just as suddenly feel like crying.

I laughed anyway, shoving him jokingly, "Having loads. I've been thinking of ways to get revenge since the smoothie incident."

He snorted, "All I did was laugh, how can you blame me? It was hilarious."

"We could all order a smoothie and accidentally spill it on him." Ash interjected, holding open a door for us. I quickly notice we're at the same diner my mother first took my grandma, the same diner I first properly met Reece and had a delicious sundae. The overwhelming feeling suddenly doesn't feel as heavy.

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