Chapter Twenty - 'I'd Prefer It If You Were A Dog Person'

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[ A/N: New characters! What'd you think of Butler Brian and Grandma Caroline? I know it mustn't feel like a superhero story right now but trust me, character development for these guys (especially Liv) is very important. And don't worry, the Halloween arc is coming up in a few more chapters and it's gonna get real interesting.
Don't forget to vote and comment! ]


I woke up to the sound of yelling.

Elizabeth and my dad must've gotten back late after Grandma and I went to sleep last night.

Despite the large corridors and rooms, sound carries well around the house too big to call safe. I get up and stretch my back, cringing when I hear it crack in multiple places. I'd slept well enough for the first time in a while, well enough having my arm in a sling, that is.

I walk past the desk mirror and catch a glimpse of myself, my bangs in disarray and my face a sickly pale, the scars littered across my features looked more present than ever against my skin in this morning light. I quickly pat down my fringe but I don't stick around to admire my reflection. I head out into the corridor, hating the cold marble floors against my feet. Marble floors should only be in kitchens and bathrooms.

I silently descended the stairs, holding my breath to conceal my otherwise loud presence. I find that they're in the kitchen and I make a quick run to the couch and hide behind it before they can see me. I feel a little silly.

"-out of your damn mind! How could you not have locked the front door last night?" Grandma accused, yet her voice thick of emotion.

I hear my dad sigh- the same response I was all to familiar with, "Olivia wasn't home, there was no-" whack. Grandma had smacked him. I hear an audible gasp, it must've been Elizabeth.

"Don't you go blaming her. You, dinner without her every night of the week! How absurd!" Grandma snapped, "Just because she's grown up doesn't mean she's still not your child! I can't imagine how hard it is for her growing up without a mother. Now even her father is neglecting her! Have you even noticed how pale she's gotten? She wasn't like that last I remembered!"

"That's crazy talk, Caroline. How am I supposed to-"

"Get it together or I'm taking her with me and so help me, I will."

Tense silence ensues and I can feel my erratic pulse in my ears. "You're upsetting Elizabeth." My dad finally said. I feel as if my something inside me had snapped.

In some ways- he's even worse than Elizabeth. It saddened me immensely that I've interacted more with Elizabeth than my own dad.

"Is that all you can say?" Grandma barked incredulously, her voice rising in uneven pitch.

I hear footsteps approach me and when I look up I find Elizabeth looking just as surprised to see me behind the couch as I am to see her. I shake my head slowly and she sits down, not saying a word- understanding my silent gesture to not declare my whereabouts. I can't quite make out the expression on her face. I don't really want to.

"Her father stays and yet he is gone." Grandma hissed quieter, yet all the more menacing, "If I ever find out you're pulling this crap again I will take her with me- mark my words."

He sighed, "You know you can't do that."

"I don't care. I will take it to court if I have to." She responded icily.

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