Chapter Seventeen - 'That's Not Vague At All'

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[ A/N: If you haven't noticed, I really love Pascal Campion's illustrations. Please check him out (partly so I don't feel bad for using his awesome artwork) Also, check out these covers that totally didn't take 2 minutes to put together, if you like one of these enough, I may just make it the official one. This chapter starts right after the last one and has a lot of dialogue, so enjoy! ]


I leave the back room only to find that Jackie is preoccupied with a customer, I catch her eye and she smiles, making a quick gesture with her hand- shooing me back in. I laugh at her adorable expression and oblige, getting back into the room with SP.

I catch him about to sit back down in front of the sewing machine before he stops short and lets out a heavy breath when I come back in. "She's with a customer." I explained sheepishly.

We proceed to stand in awkward silence for a full minute until SP hesitantly suggests to measure me in her place. He didn't seem to want to continue on the sewing machine with me here; after I'd teased him, I could understand why. I bite back a silly smile.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I'm here to help Jackie anyway." he said, holding out his hand. I pass him the measuring tape and hesitantly step towards him so we can begin. I watch his arms pull out the tape, either he's tense or he's just muscly- I notice how veiny he is and I suddenly have the weird temptation to run my finger along his arms.

"Okay, but Jackie's measuring my chest." I grinned.

My joke seems to have caught him off guard and he stills for a moment before gripping the face of his mask as if he were blushing. "Right." he uttered.

The measurements don't take very long and we're shortly back to our silence, at least, that is until I suddenly have the urge to overwhelm him with inquiries and can no longer bite back my tongue. I was standing in front of an idol, could you blame me?

"Can I ask you something?" I start calmly, crouching down to sit on the carpet.

I can feel him start to realise the situations he's about to be placed in. He shifts slightly on his feet and slowly begins to nod, "Okay." he said hesitantly.

"Is one half of your face more tan than the other?" I asked, tilting my head at him.

He begins to laugh, shaking his head. "Sorry, I...didn't expect that."

I raised my eyebrows, smiling, "Well?"

"Probably." he said, I could hear the smile in his voice. I could start to feel him lower his guard, it seems like every time we meet they build up again- I'd be sure to truly take them down by the end of today.

"Also, how do you know when there's trouble? Super instincts?"

"I have an earpiece imbedded into the mask." SP explained quietly, pulling the chair out from under the sewing machine table and sitting down opposite me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What happens when you don't have the mask on?"

"Oh, right." he said, "I get a text or call."

"From who?" I prodded.

"I have connections I guess." he said tersely.

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