Chapter Ten - 'Can't Mind My Own Business, Clearly'

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I had no answer for that, so I persisted with my own questions instead, "Are you Ash's housemate?"

"Good guess." He drawled, taking another long sip. It was like watching someone take a drag of a cigarette, I kind of wanted to slap it out of his hand. He had quite an unsettling atmosphere and I found his icy attitude unjustifiable.

"A name would suffice." I laughed awkwardly. Ash hadn't mentioned anything about having a housemate, it was stranger that Tyler and I had been here for over three hours... has he been pent up upstairs this whole time? I feel somewhat guilty, though I'm not sure why.

It was silent between us, long enough for it to be as if he wasn't there at all, but I could still see his silhouette and for a moment I start thinking he's just a figment of my imagination before he finally says something. "Reece."

"Reece?" I repeated, unsure if I heard right. I didn't come across that name very much, but it kind of suited the sarcastic man, even if I couldn't see him. He didn't reply, if he was glaring me, I wouldn't know. Was being mysterious a new trend? I don't really like it anymore.

"Well I'm Liv." I said instead, forcing a chipper tone. "You know, short for Olivia." I added, I often found that introducing myself as my nickname surprised people- they'd think my name was Live and find it weird. I once had a friend who thought it was that for about three months until the principal had called my full name on the loudspeaker in high school and it had clicked.

"Whatever. Try to keep it down next time, princess." Reece said icily. I smiled grimly, in stories and movies, when boys would give you these nicknames- it would somehow always seem endearing and cute. But when Reece called me princess with that cold tone of his, it sounded like nothing more than an insult. I was 99% sure it was.


Reece didn't seem to want to continue talking though, so I bite my tongue and I watch as his silhouette pushes off the wall and turns around, heading straight into the furthest room down the hallway without a word, slamming the door shut.

Okay then...

I make my way back into the lounge after I recollect myself in the hallway upstairs, processing everything. Ash is the first to notice me when I walk in, "Everything okay?" He asked quietly. I notice that Kimmy and Tyler are fast asleep and Kimmy has her head rested against Ash's shoulder. I smile.

"Just some miscommunication, what did I miss?" I whispered, sitting down beside Tyler whom was lightly snoring. Boy do they fall asleep fast.

"The brother's dead...I think. I don't know, the plot is weird." Ash said, filling me in on the thriller movie Kimmy had picked out, clearly it wasn't very good if two out of four of us fell asleep.

"Damn, he was cute." I joked, Ash chuckled and I notice Tyler stir.

I guess we'll be staying over tonight. I wouldn't want to wake him, I doubt he'd much sleep lately- besides, he looked peaceful. He slept in a sitting position with his arms crossed. Without a second thought, I slip out of the leather jacket and place it over him, knowing Tyler, he probably was cold, he'd never bring a jacket and half the time he'd be shivering whilst denying it.

"Hey, Ash?" I said after a while, having a hard time getting back into the movie.

"Hmm?" He replied, his eyes stayed on the TV.

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