Chapter Eleven - 'Emergency'

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Steele. New York. A hero has fallen and the world mourns over the death of yet another Super. As always, the information regarding the hero's identity is a controversy. Most think her identity should be shown to the world and let us all know her for whom she truly was whilst others were adamant about respecting her choice to wear the mask, which kept her identity hidden in the first place.

The loss of Super wasn't something that rarely occurred, we all suspected by now that they didn't seem to 'live' long. The longest serving Super, Jax, lasted eight years before his presence slowly faded. Generally, Supers only served us for a few years. Still, no one could ever see it coming, having a hero suddenly die or disappear from the public eye even when people need them most. It'll have taken the whole world to catch up to speed after a long period of time without any activity. No one can ever be sure if most of the past heroes died or simply just stopped living up to their branded name, but for Steele, we know her heart stopped beating right after she helped save a handful of civilians from a burning building. She died with her mask on. The tragic event was broadcasted live in New York, shocking thousands, reaching millions. San Fransisco caught on a few hours later. Our eyes all watched the woman drop on the screen, one hand clutching her heart.

It was reported to be a heart attack. Ironic how someone practically untouchable died in such a way. She seemed young too, all Supers did.

The situation made me recall when our own Super of San Fransisco had pulled a disappearing act for about two months a while back, the whole world was just about ready to grieve the 'death' of Super Psych.

Well, he's alive. I encountered him a few days ago, he took me home and I'm still holding onto his jacket. I'm left wondering when or even if I should go back to return it, it sat draped onto the wooden post of my bed, it's new leather practically glinting.

I had just come home from the part time job I had at the café when Tyler had texted me if I had heard the news about Steele. For someone who couldn't care less about Supers, I often found that he received news faster than I did- I, whom was utterly obsessed with the Supers in this world.

I switched on the TV in my room yet again to see that nearly every news channel was covering the death of New York's hero. After staring blankly into the face of a robotic news anchor, I turn the TV back off and fall onto my bed, the leather jacket never straying from my view. After a moment, I get up and grab the jacket off the bedpost. It still managed to smell of his familiar cologne rather than leather, it takes all my self control to not just bury my face in it.

With the jacket in hand, I decide to go out to Jackie's store, not bothering to change out of my work uniform which only looked like business attire. Elizabeth doesn't spare a glance from her magazine as I walk out and I'm more than fine with it. She would've been at work but she had a sore throat. Elizabeth worked as a nurse (it still surprises me), but now that she was 'sick' my father and I had to be nursing her. Even though her legs worked perfectly fine. Despite having to care for her, so far, we haven't said a word to each other for a whopping two days, three days if her throat kept it up.

In the afternoon, the main streets of San Fransisco are quite busy and I'm glad for it. As I walk, I watch the people before I pass them, people carrying on with their own lives, everyone completely unaware of each other's situations.

It's not long until I reach Jackie's store, and to my pleasant surprise, I see Jackie bouncing around, helping out customers. When the bell chimes as I step in, I catch her attention and she spares me a wink.

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