Chapter 4- Killer Dog

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"Are we friends?"

"That depends on what you mean by friends. If you mean friends with benefits, absolutely not. If you mean you need someone to talk to when your upset and just need someone to talk to, then yes."


"This party honestly sucks balls. I could be finishing my book at home right about now. Or even watching tv. You are honestly probably the only thing keeping me here right now." I say running my hands through my hair.

"Well I'm honored. Why did you come to the party anyways if you didn't want to?"

"Well, my friend Madison told me to come and I am her designated driver.''

"Coming to a party and not drinking... that must suck."

"Actually no it doesn't. I don't end up with a hangover in the morning making me lazier than I already am. Plus I won't be in my right mind to where I can make good decisions like not drinking and driving, potentially ending up getting caught by a cop, and getting charged with DUI. When I could have avoided the problem all together and just avoided the alcohol."

"You are very much a pessimist you know that?" Ryder says with a smirk on his lips.

"Tell me something I don't know. I just have insight on some of the worst things that can happen to you if you make one wrong mistake." I say looking around the room.

"Wanna go talk about them on the porch?" He says motioning towards the door.

"Uhh.... yeah sure what's that harm?"


I wake up with a small headache. It's probably because I stayed up late last night longer than I usually do.

Ryder and I ended up talking all night until I found Madison drunk off her face in the backyard.

We got to my house around 3 am. I made her stay over so she wouldn't get in trouble with her parents. Its not like my mom would ever know cause she is on call this weekend so she is sleeping at the hospital.

I get up out of bed and see Madison still asleep on the other side of my bed. I go to my bathroom and grab some pills she will need and then get her a glass of water. I lay them on the counter next to her.

I go to my closet and pick out and old volleyball shirt and find some black Nike track shorts. I put my hair in a ponytail and slip on my black Nike free 5.0's and head downstairs.

I grab my water bottle and walk out the door start running at a slow pace to keep my energy up. I play my music on my One Direction playlist and set a timer for and hour and a half.

I run about a block or two when I see a cute husky sniffing the grass around them. I pull out my headphones try to get their attention. I walk up to try to pet him and they start barking at me. I let out a little yelp and jump a couple meters away.

I hear chuckling in the background and I turn around and I see Ryder laughing at me. He is wearing a pair of Adidas sweatpants and a football shirt that looks a bit old.

He is laughing to where his face is getting red and his dimples are prominent. Even though he is halfway on the ground laughing like a dying pig, he still manages to look adorable.

"Come on, laugh it up. The dog probably could kill me if it tried." I say waving my arms about and rolling my eyes.

"I'm...sorry" he says in between laughs trying to stop laughing but failing. "That was just...too funny."

"I hope you find it funny when I shove my foot up your butt for laughing at me." Even though I have just threatened him he still continues to laugh. I cross my arms like a five year old and turn my back away from him.

I hear him take a few steps closer to me and gently put his hands on my shoulders and turn me around to look at him. Looking into his eyes, butterflies erupt in my stomach. So cliché I know.

"I'm sorry Taylor."

You can tell he is fighting to stop his smirk from showing. I pause and stare up at his light brown eyes. I am fighting so hard to not get lost in them but its hard.

We continue to look at each other for about 30 seconds before his dog starts barking and breaks us out of our trance. I look down admiring my shoes feeling a blush rise in my cheeks probably very prominent to anyone watching.

"I-I'm gonna go..... see you around." I say and turn around making sure I stay two or three feet away trying to avoid his dog. I distinctly hear him chuckle at my actions.

I run as fast as possible to get out of his vision. I can still feel his eyes on me as I run. I feel self conscious and I don't like it. I have never felt self conscious before even in middle school when all the girls would talk about everything wrong about themselves in the girls bathroom. I have never felt like this before.

Once I get far enough away, I let my shoulders relax and slow down. I catch my breath and continue walking slowly. I put my headphones back in my ear and blast it to its maximum volume and sprint down the street.

The time quickly passes by and I finally come back home and take a long cold shower. Madison is still asleep so I grab my clothes and get out of my room.

I change into a old spandex and my older brother Bellamy's oversize football hoodie.

It's around lunch so I grab some baby spinach from my fridge and warm up some chicken nuggets in the microwave. I cut up some carrots and spread out some ranch dressing. I add in the chicken and dig in.

I turn on the tv and watching a Friends marathon and occasionally checking my social media.


Hello my lovelies!

Sorry I have been gone so long I just have been so caught up in school! But now I'm on spring break and I am updating! Hope you guys like it!

It may not be my best work so far in this book but I am trying to get better at trying to update and better quality writing. It makes my heart swell when someone comments or votes on this story!

Hope you love this chapter.

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Quote for the chapter:

Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, and never follow in someone else's path. Unless your lost in the woods and find someone else's path. Then by all means, you should follow that.

~Ellen DeGeneres

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