Chaper 6- Never Ending Series of Questions

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I have been walking around the mall with Ryder for an hour, we have surprisingly not killed each other yet.

"I'm hungry. Can we please stop by the food court?"

I ignore Ryder's pleas for food and speed up to walk in front of him. He abruptly grabs my wrist to stop me and it sends tingles up my arm.

I look down at his hand wrapped around my wrist then up at him. He instantly lets go of me understanding that I don't want him touching me.

"Lets go to lunch." Ryder demands. I look around the mall and look at all stores I still want to go to. I guess I could wait until after I eat.

I let out a sigh in defeat and a smile instantly appears on Ryder's face.

I can't seem to look away as he smiles. The way a small dimple appears on only his right cheek. It's such a rare sight to see him have a full blown smile that is genuine, I can't seem to look away.

"Like what you see there Hartman?" He side glances at me with a smirk.

"Yeah I do actually. The Firehouse sub place over there has free samples of their food out front." I say and point to the restaurant directly beside him so it appears I was looking at that.

"Well that's all good and well but I'm really craving some pizza. There's a Pizza Hut right there wanna go get some?"

"Sure, why the heck not?" I mean honestly, who in their right mind would turn down pizza?

We walk over and I look at all of the menu thinking about what I should get for lunch. I still can't decide between bacon or chicken as my topping.

"Your not, like, one of those girls who are afraid to eat out in public right?" Ryder asks turning towards me.

"Please, I couldn't do that even I if I tried. If I am afraid of people scolding me for eating like a mountain lion in public when I'm a girl, I have an even bigger problem I need to take care of because its a free world and I can do whatever I want. So no, I'm not afraid to eat out in public."

"That's a reliever, so what topping are you gonna get?" Ryder asks me looking at the menu once again.

"Say going to, its more proper. And I'm still deciding between chicken or bacon as my topping."

"I'm gonna say gonna even more now that you told me to stop. But anyways, why don't you just get both, go big or go home right?" He says throwing me that award winning smirk.

"No I'm going to pick one because its an extra $0.50 for a second topping. I'm not wasting my extra $0.50 on an extra topping that's for sure."

"You're so cheap. You know what, I will pay for your meal too if its that big of a deal about 50 cents." Ryder states rolling his eyes and stepping into the line.

"Aww thanks man. Your the real MVP. But there has got to be something you want in exchange for buying me lunch." I say picking at the dirt that has collected under my nails. I literally just cleaned them last night and they are already dirty!

"What makes you think I always want something in return?" I look up at him and give him a pointed look. "Okay fine, all throughout lunch you have to answer my questions I have for you." I scoff at his lame excuse of a bargain.

"Sure why not? There's nothing that interesting going around here in this old noggin of mine." I say tapping the side of my temple for extra effect.

"I will be the judge of that." He states. He finally orders and pays for our food. I pick out a table right dead center of the food court with Ryder trailing behind me.

"It would be nice for some help here." He says carrying all the food over to our table and setting it down.

"Aww too late to help. But lookie here, you got here safely without any help, you deserve a ribbon." I state sarcastically taking a sip of my drink.

"Okay now that we have our food, it's time for us to play a game of unlimited questions over lunch." Ryder states grabbing his food and taking a small bite.

"Okay shoot." I say grabbing my food and taking a bite out of my pizza. I just want to moan at how good the pizza is.

"Where were you born?"

"Born and raised in this town people like to call Tampa, Florida."

"When were you born?"

"On the hot summer day of July 27th. You know I just found out the other day my birthday is the same day as the day I was born." I say quoting that hilarious old vine. I start giggling at my hilariousness I should really look into stand up comedy. Ryder just rolls his eyes not finding me humorous.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A Dallas Cowgirl of course!" I say in a very bad country accent.

"I'm serious." Ryder says staring at me annoyed.

"I want to be one of the doctors that help the soldiers who get hurt in the war."

"Don't people try to blow up the medical center that does that though?" Ryder asks with curiosity.

"We're all going to die anyways, what's the point of trying to fight it and not let ourselves do what we truly want to do?" I ask finishing off my first slice of pizza. "I used to always get yelled at as a kid for saying that we are all going to die one day." I say chuckling to myself looking back at the memories. I finally get a chuckle from Ryder.

"If you can have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?"

"Harry Styles hands down. He is a walking god and I love his accent. He's easy on the eyes as well." That got Ryder to roll his eyes.

"Are we done with this never ending series of questions yet? I feel like I'm talking to my grandma."

"Why do you read so much?" Ryder asks completely ignoring my question.

"Because with reading you get to escape from your life and go into someone else's. You get to use your imagination and try to picture how you think it looks. Readers live a thousand lives while people who don't read only live once. I like to think that every book I have read has shaped me in some way, shape, or form."

"Okay we are both done with our food, lunch is over. No more questions."I state firmly. I didn't like how he would start getting deeper with his questions. He doesn't need to know all of that business.

"Fine fine. Lets go do some more shopping." We clean up or mess and finally leave the food court.


Hello my lovelies!

I know I know I haven't updated in a very long time. I'm not the best at this whole author thing. I'm just writing when I can because school just got out and I'm doing volleyball and online school this summer.

But anyways, I have suddenly have had all these great ideas for this book so I hope you guys will like it when it comes out. Some of these chapters may seem like a whole bunch of fillers but believe me, try are all leading up to something big so keep reading!

I love you all and I truly appreciate it when you guys comment how you love it cause I'm just here thinking I'm the only one who likes this. So you guys really assure me that you like it and keep inspiring me to write. So thank you all!

Hope you love this chapter.

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