The Havoc.

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"Slow the car, you dickhead!" I screamed while Wren sped up faster, letting the car screech. 

"Why are you not listening to me?" I shouted at the top of my lungs while hanging on the car belt for dear life. 

Do you see why Wren is known as a badass? Okay, maybe not but a slight hint.

The moment we left the school's boundaries, Wren excelled the car and surpassed the speed limit. I tend to drive lower than the average, so you can clearly see why I was freaking out. And the fact that he was purposely swiveling the car in my direction did one thing.

Infuriate me.

"Why are you freaking out? This is so awesome!" he said loudly. Ironic much? 

"For stupid people like you, maybe!" I called back. Yeah, that did it.


"Stupid? More like adventurous genius!" He bellowed and I clamped my hands on my ears.

"Fine, if you won't listen to me, I'll do something so severe, you'll be on your knees!" I challenged. I smirked, atleast tried to.

Because God knows that no one can bloody smirk like yours truly, Wren Kings to the ton.

Raising his eyebrows, he curiously stared at me like I had just spoken Japanese. 

"Oh yeah? Bring it on Princess!" he said, abruptly stopping to let an old man pass by. 

Now he decides to be a good boy. I spoke too soon cause he sped off again. How far was my home?!?

"BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE, THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR MAKES ME OVERWHELMED-" I sang. I have nothing against this song, in fact, I'm a huge directioner. Unfortunately I have a very, for a lack of a more disappointing word, disturbing voice which has actually caused my mom's vase to fall and break. 

"STOP! STOP IT! Alright you win!" he screeched like a cat, slowing the car. 

"See? You could have avoided that if you had listened to me earlier" I said  triumphantly. 

Wren made a face and opened up the radio. We still had fifteen minutes until we reached my home. The song that was playing oddly made me remember my dad. 

It felt as if I was forgetting


I was supposed to take a car ride with my dad, except that car would now be sitting patiently outside the school. Sometimes I love my mom, unfortunately now was not that time. 

"I hate my mom!" I yelped. 

"Whoa, random much?" he asked, moving his hand through his brown hair. 

"YOU! You were in this!" I accused him because of course he would have been! He and my mom planned this out like the evil mingling they are, plotting against me and my dad. 

"I was in what?" he asked puzzled. 

"Don't act so dumb" I said, and when looking at his innocent and cute...not cute face, I realized that he, in fact, was stating the truth. Unfortunately that meant my mom was the evil mastermind. Yes, I'm quite overly dramatic, and yes, I was obsessed with villains and superheroes.

You got any problem, nigga? 

"My mom planned this out. My dad and I were supposed to have lunch together! She is so mean-" I cut short looking at his smirking face, 

Before I could retort and make fun of his egoistical smirk like I always did, that jerk face kissed me. I honestly couldn't complain though. It felt like heaven, if anything else and it took all of me to not put my hands around his neck. He started to bite my lips when I realized that this was not supposed to happen, and I stopped. 

"Don't EVER do that again" I said, panting. Even though I appeared to say that, deep down I was craving for more. 

"Yeah yeah. I just did that to shut you down, and besides, you liked it" He whispered the last part in my ear, sending butterflies dancing in my stomach. Dear God.  

"Don't dream of things that aren't true, Kingston" I stated back calmly and like before, we were driving again. Was the car moving when we were kissing? 

"Wren...the car didn't stop did it?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. 


"I hate you" I stated, looking out the window. 

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Hun" he said, smirking as always. 

" that Lindsay?!?" I cried, seeing the one and only Lindsay standing in the middle of the road like a maniac. And glaring at me like I was in danger not the other way round.

Sometimes blondes are genetically smart. In that category, Lindsay is nonexistent.

"Oh God!" he exclaimed, swiveling the car and screeching the brakes to stop. The car moved in a circle like they do in the movies and believe me, my hair went into circles too. I don't know how the girls in the cars stay steady and pretty. 

Must be hair gell. Loads of hair gel.

"Well, if it isn't Chloe," she sniped as we came out of the car. 

"Well if it isn't the cat that screeched and died" I shot back. 

That dumb blonde pissed me off because she thought I was her boyfriend's neighbor. Which does not mean that I have some relationship going on with him! However, that ditz thinks that, so you get the pretty picture of our friendship. 

People who didn't get it. Please consult Sheldon Cooper's book I mentioned so many times before.

"Stop it! Why the hell were you standing in the middle of the road?" When asked. 

"It's because I saw you going somewhere with that slut." She pointed at me, and I scowled. 

"Why you little-" I exclaimed, trying to get past Wren who was blocking his precious pet. 

"Can't reach me, can you?" She examined her nails. 

"I'd slap you, but that would be animal abuse" I shot back. Take that bitch. Seeing our cat fight and hearing my remark, Wren burst out laughing. 

"Wren? How could you?" she asked before running off. 

"Wait Lands, you're a cute animal like a, like a....cute puppy!" he said, while she flat out ignored him. 

"Well, there goes your nightstand." I said, getting into the car. 

"Wha?" he asked with a confused look on his face. 

"Oh come on! Being your neighbor has its grossness!" 

"Oh, you sure are lucky you get a free view" he said, grinning. 

"Just please drop me without any drama" I sighed dramatically while Wren rolled his eyes. 

And we were back on hating'

The kiss long forgotten.


"Well, thanks for the ride, I guess" I thanked him and hopped out of the car. 

"No prob, Coop" 

"Can you STOP calling me that?" I asked after letting out a moan. 

"Moan more, babe, turns me on" he said and before I could retort, he sped away. 

Hunks these days. 

Hunks? I meant.....I don't know what I meant but it certainly wasn't Hunk, ok? 

I walked away slowly when I heard a loud boom. 


Hope you guys like it! :)

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