From starwars to cocaine?!?

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Opening my wardrobe, I couldn't help but sigh. All my owned clothes were stuffed in a messy way, and I could just make out a part of a burger box?!

It was about seven and I intended to wear the first thing that came in my view which apparently was a burger box so I obviously wasn't going with that idea. Sighing again, I went through my clothes and finally agreed on wearing a red t shirt with a star on it and some low cut jeans.

I settled my hair into a pin and was checking myself the last time when my phone buzzed indicating that someone had sent me a text. Grabbing it, I realised it was from Wren. Wren rarely texted me, he thought he was too cool to text me. Egoistical jerk.

"How you doin, princess? Lol, don't get your hopes up, trust me. I don't give a rat's arse, I just wanted u to know that I will be joining you tonight, I know you feel ecstatic.

P.S: see what I did there? I just used vocab words, just like you my little nerd ;) see ya, don't wanna b ya!"

I rolled my eyes at his childish message and after a thought, I realised that I wouldn't send him a message. Taking the cookies and the ice cream I promised Drew, I locked my home's entrance. You might be wondering about my parents. Well, my dad just rented a room in a nearby hotel, 'The Sailors'.I know, what a weird name, my min claims that it's because the owner's ancestors were sailors.

Anyway, my mom was outta town for a unexpected meeting, though I suspected it was due to the fact that Laurence, our former gardener, was back from Wisconsin. Where his grandma lived.

I knocked the door and before I could blink an eye, the door opened to see a a very excited Drew with pink hair?!? I didn't utter a word and just stared blankly at the guy infront of me.

"What the hell happened to your hair?" I asked straight away.

"Wow. How polite. Anyway, it was part of our experiment, and as you can experience it, it went horribly wrong" he explained and I let out a full blown laughter while Drew just stared at me with a boyish grin plastered on his face.

"As much as I like your new hair colour, here's a fact:you look hideous" someone remarked from behind me and it didn't take a genius to figure who it was.

"I may look hideous, Love, but obviously less than you" Drew stated back with a lazy smirk. Wow, what was with guys and smirks? Guess I will never know the answer to my question.

"Living under my wing is finally paying off, nerd" Wren said, moving his hand through his hair. His hair were so silky and a good colour of brown. Some people in this world got all the good but some people like me got all the average traits.

As he swiftly moved his fingers, I tried to avert my attention else where like the...picture frame of the Hayden family. Though my eyes were concentrating on the memorable photo, I couldn't help but side glance towards the boys who were apparently discussing something.

"Are we gonna stand here or what?"I asked while both the brown haired boys smiled sheepishly at me. I took the first step and entered into Drew's room which I could tell you was not how you expected a hormonal teenage boy's room to be.

No wallpapers of girls, no dirty laundry and no gagging worthy smell was around. Infact, the originally orange walls were plastered with wallpapers of many superheroes and scientific notes and All those things that nerds usually have.

Correction:the things usually cute nerds have which my little Drew is. You know, cute.But I won't tell him that or he'd start thinking we have a chance as a couple.

"Whatcha thinking, nerd face?" Wren crept from behind me and I gasped loudly.

"And how did you think that I'd tell you, bad ass?" I couldn't stop myself and I wanted to punch myself for saying something which could be taken in two ways, the innocent one which I took or the really dirty one which I'm sure Wren did due to the stretching smirk on his face, I didn't think the smirk could stretch anymore but like on many occasions, I was proved wrong.

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