The art

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Moons and stars were dangling over my head.Blinking a bit more,I realised that they weren't moons and stars,they were...blackness.

Why was I laying helplessly in something apparently was blackness? Because I was kidnapped!

It was all dark,so I squinted hard and finally distinguished that I was bound in a bag with predictably small air holes without which,I'd be being laid in a coffin right now.

I protested by moving my hands and legs,finally hitting something hard.It was ignored,I did it again and again when someone finally heard me.

"She's awake,Scar" a guy called out to 'Scar'.I was guessing they were my kidnappers.

"Open the bag up" Scar ordered and the other guy hummed in agreement.

A beat later,I felt his hands hovering around the bag,trying to find the place from where to unzip.Finding it,he unzipped it and I sighed,never was oxygen more important to me than now.

"Get up,girl" Scar commanded and I did what I was told and besides my limbs were practically crying out for some exercise.

"Who the hell is this?" Scar asked frantically,eyeing me as if I was a living being from another planet.

"What do you mean by that?" The other guy who was still named as the other guy,asked.

"I specifically asked for Caitlin,the blonde with killer legs,you dumb butt!" He yelled,applying breaks to slow the cruiser down.Yes,I was in a goddamn cruiser.

"I'm sorry Tom!" The other guy exclaimed.Ah,so this was the Tom that had the thing for Caitlin and me.What a freak.

"Now what should we do with this chick?" He said aloud to himself,getting frantic by the moment.

"I have an idea,why don't you fucking let me out of here!" I suggested in a not so subtle way.Earning glares worthy of awards.

"She's funny,George" Scar or Tom,whatever his name is,smirked and I sighed dramatically.

"I'm ferocious too" I snarled,scathing George's arm by my nails.He winced in pain and taking my chance,I hit him where the sun don't shine.I pounded towards Tom but this wasn't the movies where the good girl became the ninja in a second,he out won me and somehow he pounded me with handling the car simultaneously.

"Listen up Kitty,you know me therefore we can't let you go" He informed me,more like snarled at me.I huffed as Georgie Pie straddled me to the front seat.My hands were bound behind my back.

"My heart's a radio!" George started singing,God,was he really a kidnapper or what?

Thinking randomly,I realised that the guy who actually forced me to be kidnapped was not in the van.This drug world was pretty complicated or I was beginning to think.

"I need water" I whined.

"Don't have water"

"I need to pee" I cried,Trying to waggle my legs,in doing so,It hit Tom who ignored it.

"Pee on the seat and see if I care" He replied and I sighed dramatically.

Now it's time for plan B,Being the emotional hormonal girls I know oh so well.

"I miss Freddie" I wailed,bawling my fists,clenching them in and out.I tried to ooze out some dry tears from my eyes.

"I love him so much! It's that Georgia Rose who stole him away!" I cried,attracting bit of attention from Georgeie porgie.

"Chick,that's like the oldest trick in the book" Tom snarled,his mouth curving into a smirk.He swivelled the car to the extreme right,due to which,I hit the seat and I had a inkling,this was not coincedential.Jerk.

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