Chapter Eleven~Outragous Gifts

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Walking into the room I just stop. This place is beautiful.

"Um, Novaya. Can you walk into the room a little more so I can come
In too." Mach interrupts me staring at the room.

"Yeah. I'm just shocked at how beautiful this place is." I say walking in to the room a little more with my luggage come behind me.

After we are all settled, with our stuff out away Micah speaks up.

"So, Novaya, do you want all
Your presents now or later?" He asks.

"I got presents?" I ask.

I didn't even know I had presents. Honestly this was present enough for me going to Universal Studios. This is huge.

"Yeah. You have four. One for me, which you can't exactly open because I am taking you out to your favorite restaurant. The second is from your brother, who gave them to your
Uncles. The third is from me also. The the forth is from all of us. We all pitched in to buy it for you. And actually the place where you get your forth place is close buy. Which one do
You want first?" He asked.

"The first, I'm hungry." I say excited. I really want to go to Crackle Barrel.

He laughs. God I love his laughs. There the kind of laughs that makes your knees buckle. It's so... I don't have the words for it.

You probably think I am some love sick fool. I'm not I promise. At least I don't think I am.

"Ok we will go there first. I will bring two gifts with me and we will go to the forth after lunch." He says still chuckling. Walking to the door.

"Wait!" I say. He looks at me, "Dose my hair look bad?" I ask.

"Novaya, you are beautiful. Your hair looks fine. If you don't believe me go look in the mirror in the bathroom." He says.

I barely hear any of it though. I froze when he called me beautiful. I mean I herd it but it didn't reAlly pay attention. Do you know what I mean?

I just nod my head and head out with him. Hoping beyond hope that my hair is ok.


We just ordered at Crackle Barrel when Micah finally starts a conversation.

"So, what do you want to do all week?" He asks.

I just look at him. With that face saying you-know-what.

"What let me guess. You want to see the minions." He says. It's a statement also. Not a question. He just knows me to well. I just nod my head smiling. "Do you want to open two more present now? He asks.

"They aren't like tricks or anything, right? Alex would always pull one trick on me. I always yelled at him. He would just laugh his a$$ off." I said smiling at the memory.

"Novaya, I would never do that to you. That is just rude." He says shaking his head but smiling also.

"Ok, then. I will open them."

"This one is from me."

He hands me a nice size box. It's not big or small. I read the top of the box. Pandora. I gasp and look up to Micah.

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