Chapter Ten ~ Sleeping on Planes

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Oh god.

What did they do this to me?

I know I did this before but that kind just happen.

Now I have to tell him we are sharing a room.


I don't know what I should do?

I have to tell him.

"Micah?" I asked.

"What's up?" He answered.

I took a deep Breathe.

"Well, we are sharing a hotel room." I rushed out.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds.

I got nervous. Why isn't he answering? What if he don't want to share a hotel room with me? I mean what if he don't like this.

He didn't say anything for awhile. He stayed quite. We we're walking out of the car towards the hotel when he said it was ok. But that's all he said. I don't even know how to answer that. I am like supper excited about sharing a hotel room with him and he says it's ok with sharing one. I am going crazy here.

We don't have the kids with us. Or my uncles. You see Cas and Luc had a doctors appointment and the only reason Jack wanted to come was those two. Uncle Jacob said that aunt Lilly planed to have the first baby doc appointment in a couple of days and he wants to go. I told him it was fine as long as I get to still go. Uncle Darik said that he ha to stay at the school because they are starting to do something. I kinda didn't care. As long as I got to go. My uncles said that it was fine.

Micah ended coming along anyway. I am glad though. I would be so bored.

About the room thing well I got a call an hour or so saying that our reservation was mixed up. So instead of having two twin beds we got a queen bed. So that means I have to sleep with Micah. Even though I want to do more then sleep with Micah.

Yeah I need help.

I need lots of help.

We took a plane to come down here. Then we had to drive about fifteen minutes to the hotel inside the park. So all we have to do is walk to the park. At least that's something.

Now about the situation with Micah.

I don't know what to do.

'I don't know is not an answer. There an answer to every question you have. ' Mom always said. She also always said. 'Love is about being yourself not someone else. You don't want them loving the wrong person'

I don't know what to do. I

I got nocked out of my inner conflict with my self when we walk in to our room. All I have to say is wow.

The funny thing is that wow is my brothers word. Wow. I'll tell you about that later.

There is one bed in the middle for us. It's pretty big. We unpack everything when Micah finally speaks.

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