354 19 6

December 17th, 1956

4:23 pm

Violets POV

"Can you tell me about some of your feelings?" Ms. Woods' asks me, pushing her black hair behind her ear and resting that dumb notepad on her knee.

"I don't have any, not right now" I pull the loose thread on my grey zip up hoodie.

"What did you feel when you went to bed last night? It seems how you feel right before you sleep, is how you're really feeling, deep inside"

"My neck hurt, and thats because the beds are shitty here" I mumble, "But I also felt pretty good"

"I hear you've been getting along with Luke well" She says, obviously not fond with the  fact I've taken an interest in him.


"I don't think thats good for you Violet. You need to protect your recovery, and he's not going to help you with that"

"And you will? It's not like I'm ever getting out of this fucking prison anyway" I let out a sigh, looking out the window at the rainy weather, knowing she's going to give me a stupid glare for saying fuck. Such a killjoy.

"If you think like that, you really won't" I hear her pen against the notepad, "Now, tell me some emotions you've felt since the last time I saw you, and you can leave"

I slouch farther down in my chair and look at the ceiling, "I felt angry a few nights ago when Rodney got mad at Luke and I, so I wanted to kill him, but I didn't. Then I felt happy when Mikey didn't freak out when I introduced Luke, which is infact a big deal, you should congratulate him or something, give him candy or whatever the fuck you do," I kind of laugh, "I got scared the other night when Luke had a breakdown when I asked him why he's here. I wasn't exactly scared for my safety, but more his, and what they might do to him, so I faked a breakdown to leave him alone and they put me through shock therapy. Last night I was very happy, because I got to spend time with Luke"

She nods as I speak, writing things down every now and then and then looks back up at me and saying, "Seems like you've got a lot going on. I'm going to let you go though" I nod and say bye to her before leaving the room to see Calum waiting outside, as usual.

We walk back to my cell, saying a few things to each other. I notice Luke isn't in his, so I ask where he is.

"He's in the games room now" Calum tells me, closing the cell door and locking it, "You've got games room right after dinner, but until then, Ms. Woods' suggests you write in your journal" He looks down at a sheet of paper given to Calum that has my schedule on it, which is written in after every appointment.

I nod and walk over to my toilet, using it while Calum leaves the cell block, and then take my pipe to draw another scratch, counting yet another day here. Also, another day with Luke here.

Leaning under my bed, my scrappy journal sits with my blanket, so I pick it up and flip through the messy pages, stopping to re read some of my old entries. I used to be more crazy than I am now. I still remember the first time I ever wrote in here, I basically was talking about how stupid all the people in this place were, and how I was planning to sneak out, but obviously that didn't happen. I don't know how I would have done that anyways, seeing as I was constantly either in shock therapy or tied down to my bed. I guess I wasn't the easiest patient.

Writing in here seems to be easier than it was last time, which was a month ago. My life was so dull, and nothing new happened. It was like the exact same routine everyday, to the point where I hoped there would be an earthquake or something to shake things up a bit (literally), but now that Luke's here, everyday is different, and somehow better than the one before. When I look at him, I see beautiful things. My life used to be so black and white, but now that he's here, it feels like the beginning of spring after a horrible winter. Last night really made me feel good, like I could bare being here, if he's here with me. Maybe I don't need to sneak out of here like I once thought I did, because I can find my escape in him.


The sound of my name being called wakes me up. My eyes open to see Ashton standing outside of my cell, holding what looks like a new blanket. I look around to see my journal laying next to me on the ground, while I'm propped against a wall, I must've fallen asleep while writing in it.

"Sorry, I fell asleep" I rub my eyes with the back of my hand and stand up, walking closer to him.

"I brought you this. It's been getting pretty cold at night, and since you're next to a window, I thought you might want it" I glance at the window that lets a bit of air in at all times, then back to Ashton, taking the blanket he passes through the bars gratefully. It really does get cold at night, and Luke is here to justify it, chattering his teeth every night.

"Thanks Ashton" I give him a small smile while wrapping the grey blanket around me, without any holes like my other one.

"Is everything alright? Are you doing okay?" He asks, like he always does, just to check in on me.

"Yes, I'm fine. I mean I could be better, but for being in this place, I'm fine" Walking towards my bed, I sit down on the thin mattress.

"Hey, Violet?" He asks, leaning against my bars, "if I asked you to do something, would you?"

"Depends what it is, I guess. What's going on?" I ask, pulling my knees to my chest and leaning against the stone wall behind me.

"Be careful around your new friend." He warns, his eyes glossing over with a darker shade of hazel than I've ever seen on him. "He dangerous, Violet, and I won't always be here to protect you from him. I want you to stay away from him"

"What?" I ask, confused. Luke isn't a bad guy, anyone can see that. He won't hurt me, and the fact that Ashton has the audacity to say something like that to me pisses me off. "No." I plainly answer, "I'm not going to stay away from him, because he's one of the only friends I have here" why does everyone keep asking me to stay away from Luke?

"You have me..." I hear him whisper, but I decide against answering to it. His expression changes quickly from anger to happiness, for a reason I am unsure of.

"Fine. I'll see you tonight for dinner, okay?" I nod at his words and he gives me a bright smile before walking away. Sometimes I wonder why he even cares how I'm doing. His family is incredibly rich, and I can imagine he's got a lot of friends, but he comes to check up on me everyday. He's a very nice person, which is surprising, seeing as his mother, the warden, is the complete opposite. She treats every single person in this place like trash.

A few minutes pass and I hear the door open again, followed by the sound of several feet walking down the hall. Looking up, I see Calum escorting Luke to his cell.

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