Chapter 42

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"Daddy! I can't get up!" Luke whined and he attempted to stand from the couch, but his stomach kept getting in the way. Ashton and Michael came running, each taking one of Luke's hands and helping him up.

"There ya go princess," Ashton chuckled. Luke pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Shut up. It's your fault my belly is this big. Not that I don't love you babies." Luke patted his stomach. He felt a kick against his hand and giggled. "They're kicking." Michael and Ashton immediately put there hands on Luke's abdomen, smiling and laughing as the babies kicked.

"Oh Lukey! They're kicking so hard. Doesn't it hurt?" Michael asked softly. Luke shrugged, looking down at his swollen tummy.

"Sometimes. Not usually, though. It mostly just catches me by surprise." Luke smiled fondly. "Well, anyway! How's Calum doing with the cooking? Thank god this thing is a potluck or else this would be the worse Thanksgiving ever," Luke giggled. There was a shout of protest from the kitchen, making all three boys laugh.

"Sorry Cal! You know we love you!" Michael called. There was grumbling from the other room, but no response.

"So, who all is coming again?" Luke took Ashton's hand and walked with him into the kitchen, Michael following behind.

"Well, there will be us four and Anna, your mum and brothers, Michael's parents, and Calum's parents and sister. There supposed to all be here any minute now." Luke nodded and leaned against Ashton.

A few minutes later Anna and Luke's family arrived. Michael's family followed, and then Calum's. Introductions were made, and the bunch all sat around the dining table.

The feast was delicious. Calum made turkey and stuffing (it somehow magically turned out good), Anna brought mashed potatoes and gravy, Calum's mum made sweet potatoes and his sister brought a fruit salad, Michael's parents brought green beans, and Liz made chocolate and pumpkin pie.

"So, tell us about the babies!" Joy, Calum's mum, said enthusiastically. Dinner was over, and the group was sitting in the living room and chatting.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Luke asked. He was resting against Ashton's side, exhausted from walking around and being a host. However, he stayed strong to spend time with his loved ones on this special holiday.

"What are the names! And genders? You haven't told me anything," Joy answered.

"Okay, um, it's a boy and a girl. The names we've narrowed it down to are Cameron and Mason for the boy, and Sophia and Hazel for the girl. We'll decide when they're born next month." Everyone around the room cooed, and Liz took Luke's hand as she was sitting next to him.

"Oh, I can't wait to see them!" Anna squealed. Luke laughed, turning to look at Ashton fondly, who was smiling right back. He kissed Luke's forehead and squeezed his hand.

Eventually, everyone left, and the boys went to bed. Luke was snuggled next to Ashton, his pregnancy pillow on his other side. "I love you so much," Luke whispered. Ashton was playing with Luke's hair, running his fingers through the softness.

"I love you too princess. I'm so in love with you. Forever and always." Luke smiled. Ashton moved a hand onto Luke's stomach, running it softly.

"I love our babies. I don't care who they grow up to be; I'm always going to love them." Luke rubbed his nose against Ashton's shoulder and kissed it gently.

"I feel the exact same way. I love these babies with everything I have." Ashton kissed Luke's cheek, and then the couple closed their eyes to drift off to sleep.
Short and sweet, very fluffy 😍 Hope you guys liked this chapter. Please check out the update A/N and comment your opinion on a new story I want to start! Night my loves ~Clara

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