Chapter 18: One night stand

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Hiccup's POV

I stumbled out of the Meade Hall with Heather on my arm. We had definitely taken one too many mugs of Meade, and I could feel that it wasn't long before I would have to pay the price.

"Hiccup!" Heather chanted as her hand ran across my jawline.

"Horrendous Haddock The Third!" I replied, waving my finger in the air, receiving a giggle from Heather.

"Hiccup, I have to tell you something" Heather whispered as she yanked me closer by the shirt, making my head spin.

"Right, What is it?" I asked, knees wobbling as I feared I was about to fall over.

"I like you" She smiled, pulling me so close I could feel her breath on my lips.

"What a coincidence?" I blurted out. "I like you too"

A devilish grin spread across her face as she attacked my lips so vigorously I stumbled backwards. We kept on going, all the way down to my house before she shut and locked the door behind us.


I awoke to the loud sound of knocking at my door. I groaned as I sat up in bed, my head thundering as I put on my prosthetic and grabbed a fur blanket to cover my lower parts.

Each step I took made my headache even worse. It felt like I hadn't slept in ages, and my throat was drier than Outcast Island.

I opened the door, squinting as the sunlight hit my face, again making my headache even worse. When my eyes had finally adjusted to the light, I immediately recognized the person in front of me.

"Astrid!" I exclaimed as I straightened up and my headache mysteriously vanished. "What are you doing here?"

"Um ..." She stopped at the sound of someone making their way down the stairs. Her eyes widened as she recognized Heather.

Suddenly, my headache returned, along with the memories from last night. Oh gods, what had I done?

"Never mind" Astrid spun on her heel and climbed on top of Stormfly.

"Astrid, wait!" I raised my voice, but it was too late, she was already far out of reach.

Heather and I shared a silent breakfast before she announced that it was time for her to leave.

"I had a good time, Hiccup" Heather smiled as she secured her satchel to Windshear.

"Yeah ... it was nice being with you too, Heather" I said, scratching the back of my neck as I went over my memories from the night before.

"Until next time, Hiccup" Her bright green eyes shone as she took off on Windshear.

I waved at her as she disappeared on the horizon. "Until next time"

Astrid's POV

"Astrid, wait!" Hiccup raised his voice but I ignored him. I shut my eyes as Stormfly and I flew far away from the Haddock residence and the half naked man outside of it.

Gods, how could I have been so stupid?

My eyes began burning as my mind conjured up images of the two of them, together. I shut my eyes as I rubbed my palms against them, trying to get the images out of my head.

Of course he wanted Heather, she was gorgeous! Beautiful face, beautiful body and a good personality, she was the whole package.

Stormfly cooed as she turned her head to look up at me, as if she knew what was going on in my mind.

I took a deep breath, desperate not to let a single tear spill as I patted my best friend on the side of her neck. "Don't worry, girl, I'm going to be just fine"

When I deemed us to be far enough away from Berk, we landed on a sea stack and just enjoyed the silence. Until my friends arrived.

The ever so loud voices of the twins pierced through my ears as the rest of the gang landed on the sea stack.

"Astrid, we saw you flying away in a hurry, are you alright?" Ruffnut asked, sitting down beside me.

"Do you really think that I didn't see all of you lurking around the Meade Hall this morning?" I asked my friends as my mind brought forth the memories of them walking in, out and around the Meade Hall all morning.

"Alright, fine, there is a possibility we were lurking around the Meade Hall this morning, following a treasure map, but we had no clue you would go to Hiccup's we swear" Fishlegs explained. I rolled my eyes at them as I turned my gaze back on the horizon.

"But out of curiosity, what happened at Hiccup's that made you this upset?" Tuffnut asked, holding his chin as he narrowed his eyes at me.

I sighed, realizing that I was going to have to tell them eventually. I kept my gaze locked on the horizon. "This morning, I was going to apologize to Hiccup and tell him that I wanted to end our break and get back together, but when I arrived..."

Anticipation burned in their eyes as they waited for me to finish.

"I found out he had slept with Heather" I breathed.

The others all gasped in unison.

"Are you kidding me? Can't I have anything!?" Snotlout exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

A familiar whistling sound could be heard from behind us. I called for Stormfly as I realized who was arriving and jumped onto her back.

"I've got to get going now, see you later" I told the gang as Stormfly and I took off and sped forwards.

I glanced back and found Hiccup on our tail. I groaned as I tightened my grip on Stormfly before attempting to escape the night fury and his rider.

We flew in between sea stacks, through the clouds and so high up in the sky I struggled to breathe, but we still couldn't shake them off.

I took a deep breath as I stood up on Stormfly, this was the last shot we had at losing them, seeing as if that plan didn't work, he would catch us.

I jumped off the dragon and into the freezing water below. Luckily, Stormfly remembered what to do, and as soon as Hiccup and Toothless went beneath the surface after me, we resurfaced and escaped.

I glanced back just as they shot up from the sea. There was no way they would be able to catch up with us now.

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