Chapter 26: Talk to me

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Astrid's POV

It had been quite a while since I had seen the man with the dragon, the man that lived under the same roof as me. From what I had gathered this far, I assumed he left early in the morning and then returned late at night, along with his dragon.

I went downstairs, not surprised to find it empty as I sat down at the table by the breakfast that had been made for me. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure whether it was the old lady who had prepared my breakfast or the Chief, but I was happy nonetheless.

After breakfast I found out that a walk would do me good, so I went outside for the first time in what felt like forever. The fresh air filled my lungs and it was like my mind was cleansed of all bad thoughts. Until I heard heavy footsteps come up behind me, followed by a loud 'squawk!'.

I turned around and was met by a large, blue dragon with a tail covered in sharp spikes that looked like they could slice me in half any second. The dragon's dandelion yellow eyes followed me as I took a step back and swallowed the lump that had gathered in my throat. Great, I hadn't even been outside for two minutes and I was already on the brink of death!

There was only one logical thing to do in my situation. Run. And so I did, even though there was this small feeling in my gut, telling me that this dragon had no intention of hurting me whatsoever. I took a deep breath before spinning around on my heel and running away. When I came to the conclusion that I had lost the rather scary-looking dragon, I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding before sliding down the wall I was leaning against and taking a breather.

"If you can go and fetch him, I'm sure we can figure something out" A familiar voice rang through my ears as I was compelled to peek around the corner of the house I was hiding behind.

I could hear my heart sigh as I laid my eyes upon him. There he was, just standing and talking normally to another villager, but I couldn't help to think how handsome he looked, I couldn't help but think about him talking to me that way. Was it true what he had said? Was it true that I was his fiancée? It would explain the longing looks he had sent me as he brought me my dinner, it would explained the pained expression on his face as I told him to get off me, it would explain that look he gave me, that look that made me think that he would die for me, no questions asked.

It was times like these that I longed for my memory back, my memories of him. Gods, I would do anything just to remember him happy, remember him loving me.

He must've seen me standing there, because his gaze shifted from his work and over to me. And for a second, I could swear I saw the love in his eyes before it flashed back to the sad look that I was usually met with.

I replied to him with a halfhearted smile before he turned back to his work. My heart ached at seeing him so upset. I let out a sigh, I wasn't good enough for him. I wasn't the me he wanted.

How I wish I could be the one he longed for.


I heard the door open downstairs. He was finally home!

I got out of my bed and glanced out the window, wondering what made him stay out so late every night. I shook it off as I made my way down the stairs as silently as I could, until I reached the bottom.

"Hey" A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as he turned around slowly.

"You're still awake?" He asked, his voice a little tense as he faced me.

"Yes" His dragon let out a groan before waddling into the room where the two of them slept. "I have some questions for you"

He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "Sorry, but I won't be answering them right now. I'm actually really tired, so if you could just let me—"

"Please!" I begged, putting on my best puppy face. And for a second, he froze, that same look of longing etched into his features as if I had ripped out his heart with my bare hands and stomped on it.

After a while, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, but only a few"

"Alright. First, what's your name?" I asked him, cocking my head to the side.

"I thought I told you this already?" He sighed.

"Yes, but maybe hearing your full name will trigger something inside my head?" I suggested to him, earning another sigh.

"Fine, it's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, but most people call me Hiccup. And as I mentioned before, I am the Chief of Berk"

I tasted his name for a second, but didn't get a response from my mind. "Alright. Next question, why have you been avoiding me?"

He blinked for a second before shaking his head and heading for his room. "Enough questions for today"

I ran after him and took a hold of his wrist. "Please, tell me"

His eyes locked on mine, and it was like I could see all the sadness, grief and love he held in his heart. How I wanted to reach out for him, tell him it was going to be alright, hold him close. But he shook his head.

"Listen, you were a very important person to me and the fact that you don't remember me? Let's just say it kills me. No more questions for today" He jerked his hand out of my grip and slipped into his room, leaving me standing there like a lost puppy.

How I wish I could remember.

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