Chapter 28: After You

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Hiccup's POV

The sound of terrible terrors singing on the rooftops awoke me quite early. I sat up in my bed with a yawn, casting a glance over at Toothless who was sleeping peacefully as ever, as if he couldn't even hear the terrible terrors.

I let out a sigh as I shook my head, getting up from the bed to get dressed. I downed what I deemed to be a good breakfast before doing the dishes and then going to wake up Toothless with his basket of fish.

"If you finish your breakfast before noon, maybe we can squeeze in a little flight in our morning schedule?" I suggested to the dragon, who responded with a large gummy smile before he swallowed his breakfast faster than I could say 'yaknog'.

I shook my head as I let out a chuckle. "Seems like someone's excited to go for a flight"

Toothless jumped up and down, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he slammed his tail fin against the floor.

I held out my arms in front of me and stifled a laugh. "Alright, Alright! Now keep it down, will ya? You're going to wake the rest of the island if you continue like this"

Toothless calmed down as he ran out the door, dragging me along with him. I smiled at the dragon as he waited eagerly for me to climb into my saddle. I granted his wish, got on and activated his tail, allowing us to shoot up towards the clouds high above.

As the wind blew through my hair and my face was hit by the chilling mist, all my worries melted away, like they always did when I was up in the clouds. I breathed in the fresh air as Toothless stretched his wings to their full length, allowing us to glide above the clouds, eyes locked on the horizon.

"This never ceases to amaze me, bud" I said in awe as I patted my best friend's neck. He cooed in response. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cold, yet refreshing air as I laid down on Toothless, fixing my gaze on the blue skies above us, wondering if there was anything beyond those blue skies, if there was anything beyond Valhalla.

After flying around mindlessly for a good while, we decided that it was time to up the speed a little. I put my helmet on just in time for Toothless to race in the direction of home. We soared along the surface of the water, leaving behind small waves and sea foam.


Dinner time eventually rolled around, and the people of Berk gathered at the Meade Hall for a good meal with both friends and family. Toothless and I had made ourselves comfortable in our usual places, me in the middle chair at the Chief's table and Toothless curled up behind me.

I greeted my mother as she sat down beside me, chatting with her as we ate our meal. But as was usually the case, my mind and eyes wandered to Astrid, who sat silently at a table with our friends, who had desperately tried to show her kindness and patience.

She had made some progress, she was no longer bedridden, she ate dinner at the Meade Hall and she had begun remember minor details, mostly about her family. The gang had tried to get her to do things she did before the accident, but it seemed she had lost her passion for everything that used to excite her, making me even more worried that we had lost the Astrid Hofferson I had fallen for so many years ago.

"Hiccup?" My mother's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I dropped my spoon as I turned my head towards her.

"Yeah?" I answered, a little bewildered.

"I'm guessing you didn't listen?" A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as my cheeks turned a nice tomato red and I avoided her gaze.

I let out a nervous laugh. "That's possible, yes. Sorry, mom"

She placed a hand on my shoulder as she made me look at her. "You were thinking about her again, weren't you?"

"When am I not?" I sighed. "I'm just worried she'll never go back to normal"

"I understand that you're worried, but that doesn't mean that you can't fall in love with the new person she has become. People change, Hiccup, and sometimes we just have to accept that and embrace the people they've turned into" My mother smiled at me.

I tasted her words, processing them carefully. "Yeah, maybe you have a point. Thanks, mom"

"No problem, son" My mother's smile widened as she pulled me into a hug, which I gladly reciprocated. "Now, perhaps it's time for you to finish your dinner?"


I stood outside the Meade Hall, my gaze locked onto the star littered sky above as a full moon shone down on the world. I sighed, raising my arm towards the sky and placing my thumb above the moon, mind racing with memories.

"People change, Hiccup, and sometimes we just have to accept that and embrace the people they've turned into"

My mother's words had been etched into my brain, clinging themselves to every memory I had of Astrid, past and present.

A familiar coo snapped me out of my thoughts. I smiled at the dragon that was nudging me in the side with his nose. I gave him a pat on the head.

"Don't worry, bud, I'm just thinking" I smiled at the dragon as we begun to make our way down the stone steps.

Astrid. Astrid. Astrid.

Her name kept on repeating in my head along with my mother's words. I pinched my nose, trying to clear my head as I walked up to the door of my house.

Seeing as I was not paying attention to my surroundings, I failed to notice the person in front of me, causing me to crash into them.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry, are you—" And that's when I recognized the person I had crashed into, it was Astrid. I scrambled backwards, allowing her space to breathe as Toothless elegantly maneuvered himself away from the two of us.

"I'm fine, thank you" She shot me a small smile. "Are you?"

"Yes, yes I am, thank you for your concern. I suppose you're going the same way I am?" I asked her, gesturing towards the front door of the house we lived in.

"Yes, I am" Another small smile appeared on her face.

I stepped up and opened the door for her. "After you then, milady"

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