Chapter 30: Is this goodbye? Part 1

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Hiccup's POV

Astrid's horrified screaming pierced through my ears, sending an uncomfortable shiver down my spine as I felt my stomach twist itself into a knot.

"Alright, gang" I took a deep breath as I glanced up at the screaming Astrid in the ridiculously large dragon's claws. "Here's the plan: We shoot at the Razor Claw until it drops Astrid, them you keep it busy whilst I get Astrid to safety, understood?"

They all answered with a sharp nod, eyes glued to the screaming girl high up in the skies.

"Let's save her, bud" I whispered to Toothless as I patted the side of my neck, taking another deep breath as I sat up straight in the saddle.

Within the blink of an eye, I activated Toothless' tail, allowing the two of us to shoot upwards towards Astrid and the Razor Claw at a ridiculous speed. As we neared the Razor Claw, I placed my hand on top of Toothless' head, signaling for him to fire a warning shot at the beast ahead of us.

The Razor Claw let out a loud growl as he slowly turned to face us, clearly not happy with being shot in the back. Astrid's screams notably quieter down as she watched her captor intently, her gaze switching between the Razor Claw and us.

Another loud growl emerged from the dragon, but this time from within. Tons of steam started pouring out of the dragon's mouth as he flapped his long wings, blowing the incredibly hot steam in our faces.

I motioned for my friends, who had just arrived at the scene, to find a way to avoid the steam, and fortunately for them, them listened. Toothless and I rolled out of the way of the steam, which seemed to anger the dragon, causing him to clutch Astrid a little harder, which made my stomach drop.

The dragon leaned back ever so slightly, before launching forward and spewing out a fiery ball, which we narrowly managed to avoid before we watched it fall into the sea.

I pointed at the dragon with two fingers. "Ruff, Tuff, do your thing"

"You have no idea how many years we've waited for you to say that!" Ruffnut exclaimed as she tightened the grip on her saddle.

"LET'S EXPLODE!" Tuffnut howled as he pumped his fist in the air, zippleback gas pouring out of Barf's mouth as they shot forwards.

"Everyone else, ATTACK!" I instructed the others, receiving stern nods in response as they aided the twins.

Explosions went off all around the dragon, which not only confused him, but enraged him as well. The dragon roared with all its might as it clawed after its attacker with only one hand.

I watched the scene from the sidelines, calculating when it was time for us to swoop in. I narrowed my eyes as I patted Toothless at the top of his head, making him load up on a somewhat powerful plasma blast, which he shot into the stomach of the dragon, right before Eret and Skullcrusher crashed into the belly of the beast, making it howl in pain and drop Astrid as it launched itself at my friends.

"Now, bud!" I yelled as Toothless and I shot down after Astrid, who had let out a small scream as she realized that she wasn't far from the ground. But right before Astrid collided with the earth, we swooped in beneath her and I caught her in my arms. (Which definitely took its toll)

She slowly blinked her eyes open, which she had most likely shut in anticipation of the collision with the ground, and looked at me with confusion written all over her face. For a second, I swore I could see the Astrid I fell in love with in her eyes, the Astrid I had rescued several times from falling to her death. I couldn't help but smile at the confused Viking in my arms.

"T-thank you" She breathed as I placed her carefully on the ground.

"No problem, now please, go to the Meade Hall" I nearly begged her as I climbed back onto Toothless, only getting a shaky nod in response as I put on my helmet.

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