Chapter 25: Nightmares & Dreams

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Hiccup's POV

Emptiness. Not a single soul roaming the streets as the wind carried the dirt along the ground. I glanced up to find the sky grey as steel and rumbling like a dragons growl before it loads up a fireball and shoots.

A chill shot up my spine as the color drained from my face. There, in the town square, were all my people, the ones I had sworn to protect, mounted on sharp spikes like animals.

The urge to scream ripped through me, but I couldn't open my mouth, it was simply too heavy. Weary eyes scanned the various faces of the villagers, searching desperately for the people I held closest to my heart. My chest ached as my eyes fell upon the pale remains of my mother, who had been mounted in the middle of the crowd, forcing me to maneuver through the other villagers to get to her.

I didn't want to look, but I couldn't help myself. Her bloodied face and many deep cuts indicated that she had fought hard against whomever had done this to them, but it became clear that the enemy had defeated them.

I sighed as I tore my gaze away from my mother and walked away from the town square bathed in blood. I hadn't seen her amongst them, I hadn't seen Astrid, something that gave me hope that she was still alive.

I ran to the Meade Hall, forcing my already exhausted legs to push themselves even further as I climbed the steps and threw open the heavy doors. My knees went weak, sending me crashing to the floor, unable to tear my gaze away from him the scene before me.

Toothless, hung by the wings and legs to the wall like a hide ready to be tanned. What they had done to him was beyond brutal, beyond macabre, it was straight up cruel and wickedly evil. I shed some tears for my fallen comrade, my confidante and my best friend before my mind wandered to other things.

Witnessing what had been done to my best friend, I feared what they had done to Astrid. How had they hurt her? Had she been treated with the same cruelty? Had it been quick and painless or slow and painful? I shuddered at the thought as I hesitantly made my way down towards our house.

I took a deep breath as I placed my hand on the door, preparing myself for the most gruesome of gruesome actions ever done against a human being. I slowly opened the door, and I felt my blood freeze as I let out a horrified scream.

My eyes shot open as I sat up in my bed at a breakneck speed, my pulse higher than ever as sweat glistened on my forehead. I glanced to my side and found a sleeping, but very much alive Toothless, which only relieved my worries a little. I shot up from the bed and threw open the front door to find the town square empty. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs called as he, Snotlout and the twins landed outside my house.

"Morning to you too, guys" I greeted as a groggy Toothless walked up beside me. "What can I assist you with today?"

Ruffnut furrowed her brows and spoke in a firm tone: "Get dressed, Hiccup, we have to go"

Astrid's POV

Muffled children's laughter rang throughout my ears as I took a look around me. I was standing in a familiar place, what I recognized to be the town square of Berk.

I glanced to my side and found my hand wrapped in a much larger one. My eyes traveled up and I was met with the face of my mother, who was currently busy conversing with a grey-bearded man along with my father.

My parents must've been at least three times taller than me. Had I shrunk or had I managed to become seven again? I was fairly certain it was the latter.

Suddenly, the picture faded, and my hand was forcefully torn from my mother's grasp, pulling me miles and miles away from her as a new landscape was built up around me. Suddenly, I found myself in the middle of the woods, by a nice little lake in the middle of a cove, yelling at a young boy in a fur west and a green tunic about something I for some reason could not quite comprehend.

My eyes fluttered open and I sat up in the bed. I was in the same room I had fallen asleep in the night before, and nothing seemed to have changed.

I furrowed my brows as I pondered on my dream, unfortunately managing to get a headache in the process. "Agh!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose before massaging my temples. The headaches were something that happened every time I had a dream even remotely involving something I assumed to be from my past, in a desperate attempt to fill in the many black holes in my memory.

But what could a boy with a fur west and a green tunic mean to me? Gods, how I wanted my memory back, how I wanted to remember.

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