Familiar Faces

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So school was a bust for me. I went for about two years and realized that I just couldn't do it anymore, it wasn't for me and I couldn't take another day of it.

So now I've been living with Niall, yeah we ended up getting back together after we saw eachother at a party and may or may not have slept together, anyway I've been living with him and working at this little cafe place while Niall works at a law firm since that's what he went to college for and graduated early with high honors.

It's a pretty simple and easy life that can get boring but I wouldn't change it. Niall's currently away on a business trip and I'm bored out of my mind so I decided to grab my phone and call an old friend.

'Hello?' They asked answering the phone.

'Hey stranger.'

'Mel! Oh my God I've missed you so much, how have you been?' He asked practically yelling.

'I've been good, it's just been too long since we've last talked which was anout five months ago but how are you and Dan?' I asked reluctantly.

I got so mad when he told me that he stsrted dating his roomate and had completely forgotten about Luke. I still can't get over it but there's nothing I can do, for now.

'We're honestly really great, working at the school has been amazing and everything just seems, right.' He said and I could feel him smiling.

'I'm really glad, I miss you like crazy Cal I'm trying to visit but I don't know when I'll be able to.' I said sadly.

'I know I miss you too and we'll meet again don't worry, we're too attached not to but anyway how's Niall?' He asked.

'Amazing, I'm really glad we got back together.' I said with a smile.

'Yeah and you know who you have to thank for that?' He asked with a laugh.

'Yeah yeah okay you but still I was so mad at you for locking us in that room for hours.' I said remembering.

'Well how else was I suppose to get you too to talk?' He said.

'Whatever but um, do you ever think about him?' I asked and I knew that I shouldn't have.

'Mel.' He said and I just sighed.


'I have told you time and time again that I am over him now why can't you just believe that and leave it alone?' He asked getting slightly annoyed.

'Because Cal I know that you're not, I know how you really feel and until you admit it i'll be preparing my told you so dance.' I joked.

'Well you're gonna be preparing for a while but anyway I gotta run I'm having dinner with Dan's parents and I don't wanna be late.' He said and we said a quick goodbye before he hung up.

Over Luke?




The next day I headed out to go work at the cafe up my street. It was a really nice day out today and my walk there was better than usual.

I walked into the shop and went in the back pushing on my apron and headed to the register to start my day.

'Hi, how may I help you?' I said for hundredth time today to some stranger. It was horribly busy day and I could barely keep up but I tried my best.

The bell for the door rang and someone walked in and up to the counter.

'Hi, can I have a medium ice foir sugars three creams please.' A guy said and I looked up.

'Luke?' I asked as I saw who the man was.

'Melanie? Oh ny God hi.' He said with smile. Getting older was working wonders him. He had some stubble on his face and his hair was a little more grown out, he looked good.

'I'm good and you?' I asked as I told the girl his order.

'I've been good, still teaching. How's college?' He asked and I just stood there awkwardly.

'Well I kind of dropped out, it just wasn't for me honestly.' I said sheepishly.

'Oh well it isn't for everyone to be honest but have you um heard anything from Calum?' He asked awkwardly.

'I avtually talked ro him yesterday and he's doing great, he's actually teaching at this up and coming school there.' I said.

'Oh really? Wow that's amazing. Well I guess. I should get going but I'm glad to hear you're all doing so good.' He said as I handed him his coffee.

'Yeah it was great seeing you too.' I said as he handed me his money for the coffee.

'I hope I see you again.' He said taking his change and walking away.

I know I'm gonna regret this.

'Wait.' I called out and he turned around and walked back to the register.

'Yeah?' He asked.

'Here's Calum's number, I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.' I lied, well not really.

'Thanks.' He said with a huge smile as he walked out of the cafe.

I'm so getting killed for this.


Oh Melanie what are you doing? Okay so today was my first day of college and it is really amazing like I don't know how to explain it but it's great and my roommates are really cool and everyone's so nice but with that i have to write on my computer and I hate doing that and updates will be really slow for this and everything else that i am writing so I can focus on school and all that but i will not give up don't worry so hope you enjoyed

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