What If

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I woke this morning to a body cuddled up against mine and quiet little snores.

I turned around to see Dan's face nuzzled in the pillow as he held onto me. I always woke ip to mornings like this and I absolutely loved it. But I do have to get up and go to work.

After I had graduated I decided that I wanted to teach so I took a job at this little art school that's up and coming and it pays well and I really like it so it's a win win. After I showered and dressed I headed out and to the school.

'Morning Calum.' Lidia, a teacher in the school, greeted me as I came in.

'Good morning Lidia.' I said with a smile as I walked to my classroom. My room isn't that big but it serves it's purpose of being a classroom and I've managed to make it my own anyway.

The school had opened and kids started to pour in, that always my favorite part about class. Seeing all the students come to my room wanting to learn, it made me proud to teach.

After they were all seated I began my lesson and talked and painted like I usually do. As I sat in my desk I can't help but think of that time I gave Luke a blowjob under his desk. God that was so much fun.

I often wonder how he's doing and if he's still teaching. Does he miss me? Do I miss him? I wish I would be kept some contact with everyone back home but I don't know, once I moved here I just forgot about everything else and just fell in love with the city, I didn't need anything or anyone else.

Anyway the bell rang and that meant that class was over and after returning their papers the students walked out and on to their next class as a different set of students came in.


As I headed back home I thought of what my life would've been like if I stayed home and didn't move to London.

Would I be a different person?

But, do I want to be a different person?

'Hey babe, how was school?' Dan asked as I walked into our flat giving me a kiss on my cheek.

'It was good, same as always to be honest.' I said as I took a seat on our couch.

'So Phil invited us for drinks, do you wanna go?' Dan asked and I just nodded in response.


These chapters are shit I'm sorry

But I just got out of 5sos concert and OMG it was amazing like kkbfuksoaoyowlabfivtj and I was close and I could see their beautiful faces lol Luke's stubble in real life is literally life, Ashton and his long hair is daddy af, Calum's lisp is so cute but he's so fucking hot and Michael, lordddy Michael, as you know that's my babe but I absolutely love him with black hair with his pink and blue festhers and sweat was just coming outta everywhere ugh Jesus Mary and Joseph I need a savior but yeah that's that it was amazing unlike this update cX

Love you

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