Luck Is A Killer Pt. 2

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'are they o-okay? i asked looking at him with pleading eyes.

'i'm sorry.' he simply said and i couldn't take it and dropped to my knees finally letting the tears win.

the last i remembered was someone wrapping their arms around my shaking body.



'p-please n-no oh god no.' i cry as i clench my wet eyes shut and craw into a ball. i don't know who's hands around but i don't care, i just don't care about anything anymore. this can't be happening, please it can't.

'Luke, shh you need to calm down.' the person holding me said as they started to rub circles on my back in an attempt to soothe me and it was working.

'you can go see them, they're at the downtown hospital but they're in critical condition, they most likely won't make it.' the cop said but i still hadn't moved from my position.

'okay, thank you.' the person holding me said and guided me up and i reluctantly followed and looked to see it was Marina holding a sympathetic look. (a/n sorry i know you all wanted Calum)

'w-what about a little girl, did you see a little girl?'i ask looking back at the officer with a shaky voice and a trembling body.

'we didn't find any little girl.' he said a little confused and i breathed a sigh of relief, maybe she was safe.

'thank you again officer, come on Luke i'll drive you down to the hospital.' Marina said as we walked out the door and headed to her car.

on the way to the hospital i was quiet, staring out the window. i can't believe this is happening, Louis and Ashton are in critical condition and most likely won't make it out. fuck, what about Effie? she's going to lose two parents where is she going to go? the tears keep falling as i think about everything.

'are you okay Luke?' Marina asked looking at me.

'i-i was just with them yesterday and now, now they're oh god i can't." i said as i clutched my hair and cried letting out a little scream of frustration and hurt. we had finally arrived at the hospital and after parking went inside and found what rooms they were in and headed up. i was terrified to see them in the state they are in.

'go in, i'll be waiting right here.' Marina said as she guided me to the room and i pushed the door open and gasped and ran over to the mess of scratches and bruises on top of the bed.

'Ashton!' i yelled sitting by his side but he didn't move. he was hooked up to some machines and his eyes were closed and his hair was a mess, he looked exhausted. i grabbed his hand and rubbed circle around the top of it as i spoke.

'h-hey buddy, how's it going?' i asked but not really expecting a reply as i looked at him hoping for some sign that he heard me.

'look what you have gotten yourself into this time, i swear you always had a flare for the dramatic.' i said chuckling sadly as i looked off into nothing. the only sound in the small white walled room was the monitors going off with the heartbeat of Ashton.

'i just want you to know i-if you don't m-make it that i love you Ashton, you were like a brother to me, you were my best friend and i will always love you and i'll make sure Effie is taken care of and will be in the happiest home and won't ever live a sad or unhappy life..' i said as i leaned my head down on his hand and cried, i cried like i never cried before in my life. i can't believe he won't make it, i can't handle this. after letting out my emotions and wiping my eyes i walked out and looked at Marina before going into Louis' room.

'hello.' i said as i opened the door and saw that Louis was awake but barely.

'L-luke?' he asked as he moved his head slowly to look at me.

'yeah, hey.' i said as i took a seat on the chair beside him.

'h-how is he?' he asked and i didn't know what to say and he took that as an answer and started to cry. the room was filled with the sound of him crying and my heart broke for the second time today.

'i know that we're not going to make it, we're barely alive now and i just can't begin to imagine what Effie will go through when she's older.' he said weakly, i could tell he was struggling to speak.

'i know, but i'll make sure she'll be taken care of and put into the right hands.' i said.

'yes you will. Luke, please promise me one thing.' he said as he struggled to move his body to look at me and took my hand in his.

'yes?' i asked furrowing my eyebrows.

'promise me that you and Calum will get back together, i don't care how just promise me, please. life is too short to be wasting it away being alone and unhappy not being with the one you love so please, promise.' he finished and lied back down closing his eyes and it was my time to cry, again.

'hey, how are you?' asked Marina as i walked out the room and took a seat beside her.

'i-i'm not fine at all.' i said as i started to cry and leaned into her as she wrapped her arms around me.

i didn't leave the hospital once all night and when it came time for them to be brought to the morgue, i could feel my soul going with them.


waking up the next morning was tough, Marina of course let me take some days off to deal with everything which i was reluctant to do but it is for the best since i was in no frame of mind to be talking with anyone or teach. 

i got out of my bed and walked downstairs tired and emotionally exhausted. somehow i managed to make some tea and sat at my island sipping it along with some cookies i had lying around. i was startled by a knock at my door and furrowed my eyebrows as to who it could be and walked over to the door opening it up to reveal a woman in a grey blue pant suit and a warm smile as well as some papers in her hand.

'hi, are you Luke Hemmings?' she asked with a smile.

'yes, who are you?' i asked in confusion.

'may i come in, i have some business to discuss with you?' she asked and i just nodded and moved out of the way for her to walk in.


I had to stop a few times while writing this chapter it made me fucking cry jesus, I did not think it would but fuck i'm a mess i could barely get through it and i'm just glad that my lights are off n my dorm or i would have to explain to my roommates why i'm crying lmao

Do you guys like the new cover? And if you haven't already please go check out my new Muke short story, Lonely Hearts Club *;

Love you

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