What Is Love?

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don't hate me please (:


'hey babe how was school?' Dan asked as i walked into our small but comfortable apartment.

'it was okay, they don't really listen to me that much still but i think it's getting better.' i said with a sigh as i took my shoes off and sat down beside him on the couch aimlessly watching tv.

'i'm sorry babe, it'll get better don't worry.' Dan said and i just smiled at him and kissed his lips.

yeah, you're probably right but anyway i'm gonna go take a shower.' i said as i got up and walked to the bathroom but i heard some footsteps behind me and when i turned around i saw that it was Dan with a smug look on his face.

'yes?' i asked playfully turning to face him.

'nothing, just need a shower too.' he said with a shrug as we both walked into the bathroom. i closed the door and we both undressed and i started the shower and Dan was already kissing my neck from behind as he held onto my naked body.

's-stop' i stuttered as i laughed as his tickling kisses.

'i'm not doing anything.' he said smirking into my skin and he walked into the shower together. we stood under the running water and just looked at each other before we connected out lips. i pushed him up against the shower wall as i attacked his lips and gripped hungrily at his hips rubbing our wet hard ons together adding friction.

'fuck.' he moaned out tilting his head back as i grabbed his dick and started to pump him. i knelt down in front of him and took his dick in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down. in the midst of everything i somehow ended up thrusting into him as he screamed into the wall.

'oh my god, fuck me.' he yelled out and i thrusted faster into him.

'fuck...yes...you're so tight for me babe.' i moaned out out holding onto his hips as i thrusted biting down on his shoulder softly.

'fuck yes..faster....uhhh.' he dragged out as i pounded into him and soon we were both cumminig yelling each others names. after we had came down from highs we took a real shower although the water was cold and dressed and went back downstairs with a smug smile on our faces.

'so what do you want to do for the rest of the day?' i asked.

'doesn't matter, as long as i'm with you.' he said and i kissed him before turning the tv volume up and sinking by his side.

at around like eight dan had suggested we have chinese so he offered to go get it although the nearest chinese place is almost a 40 minute drive away but he insisted so i was currently sitting on my couch watching the golden girls reruns.

my phone rang and i looked at the caller but didn't recognize it, i just shrugged and picked it up.

'hello?' i said as i answered.

'Calum? oh my god.' the guy said and i was confused as to why he knew my name.

'um who is this?' i asked confused.

'it's uh, it's Luke, Melanie gave me your number.' he said and i almost chocked on my spit.

it's been so long that i don't even recognize his own voice and i am so killing Melanie.

'Luke, hi oh my god it's been so long hasn't it.' i said faking my excitement,

'yeah, too long to be honest but how have you been?' he asked.

'um, i've been good and yourself?' i asked.

good good, but uh i would be lying if i said i didn't miss you like crazy Cal.' he said wit the nickname and my heart got that familiar flutter.

'i uh i miss you too Lukey.' i said truthfully.

'do you think you'll ever come visit home, come visit me?' he asked hopeful.

'i don't really know to be honest.' i said sadly.

'i still love you.' he said and i didn't know what to say back, i mean i do love him still but i have dan and like i don't know.

'i still love you too.' i said and there was an awkward silence over the phone for a few minutes.

'have you, um met anyone?' he asked and i could he didn't want to.

'yeah, he was my roommate my freshman year, he's really great.' i said and i noticed that i was starting to cry a little.

'well i'm happy that you found someone.' he said although i know he didn't mean it.

'you are not gonna believe the story i have about this damn chinese." Dan said walking through our apartment door.

'who's that?' Luke asked.

'that was Dan, he came back with chinese. i'll talk to you later yeah?' i asked about to hang up.

'yeah yeah of course, go enjoy.' he said and i just hung up not knowing what else to say.

'who was that?' Dan asked.

'just my mom checking up on me, now what's this story?' i lied rummaging through the bags trying to block al my confused and messed up emotions at the moment.

you guys should all go read Loser by AustralianLoveAffiar because it's cake and it's really good so far and it's cake cX

also i uploaded my alternate ending to my cake fic falling for my stepbrother so go check it out if ya want

Love you

Effie || CakeWhere stories live. Discover now