Two Years Later
That gif literally made me laugh so much thought i'd share cX
i can't believe that it's already been two years since Calum and i got back together and took custody of Effie but they have been the best two years of my life, i wouldn't trade it for anything. after Calum moved all his things into my, our, house i went back to work at the school and have been there ever since and he has been teaching art at home in our garage which i made into a little studio for him. he wanted to stay close to home so he could take care of Effie but still wanted to work so i made i t perfect for him.
it's been tough though taking care of a child is a lot of work and we were overwhelmed at first but have gotten a hang of things and are doing much better now. Effie just started preschool and that has been fun and stressful but we are managing one way or another. today is Effie's birthday and party and Calum has been planning this party for a whole week, i swear he's going insane making sure everything is perfect while i have been working on my own thing and making sure that it's perfect.
see i was planning on proposing to Calum tomorrow at the party.
i've been trying to come up with the perfect things to say but i can not think of anything.
'mom i'm so nervous.' i say to my mom who's finishing up cooking her famous lasagna.
'why are you so nervous, it's gonna be great.' she said trying to reassure me.
'but what if he says no, or like what if i mess up and say something so stupid and embarrassing.' i ramble playing with my hands nervously.
'Luke, he is not going to say no you idiot and plus it's you of course you'll do something embarrassing.' she said as she placed her hands on my cheeks making me relax.
'thanks mom.' i said with a smile as she kisses my cheek and the door bell ring and i left the kitchen and went to the door.
'hey.' Melanie said as she came in with Niall by her side and a cute little blonde baby boy in a stroller.
'hey guys, thanks for coming.' i said as they come in and i bend down to say a little hello to Niall jr.
'of course, we wouldn't miss this for anything.' she said with a smirk as she hung up her coats and i heard a car door open and shut and Lana and Marina walked up the steps.
'hey Luke, thanks for inviting us again.' Marina said as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walking in with a plate of some sort of dessert.
'of course, after all you're the reason why Calum and i were able to be together in the first place.' i said with a laugh closing the door behind them. everyone who had arrived were in the living room talking but there were still some people who we were waiting for. Calum was with my mom and Melanie in the kitchen talking about lord knows what and there was a knock at the door.
'hey Luke.' Zayn said as i opened the door to reveal him. after everything that had happened and after a few years him and Calum were on good terms.
'hey Zayn, come in.' i said stepping aside for him to walk in and he said hi to everyone and joined his mom on the couch. there was another knock at the door and the last of the people were here. now i had to keep it a secret from Calum who i was inviting.
'hey Dan and Phil.' i said opening the door.
'hey Luke, thanks for inviting us after everything.' he said as he walked in holding Phil's hand.
'no problem, after all you were with Calum for a while when i wasn't and plus i know he'd want you here.' i said and as soon as Calum saw him he had a huge smile on his face and they hugged and started talking about everything. okay so i know what you're thinking, why on earth would i invite my boyfriends ex and his bf to my child's birthday party. well him and Calum have grown as friends ever since they broke up but weren't able to see each other since Dan lived in London and all so i knew i had to get them together again.
now that everyone was here we ate all together all talking and having a good time. i learned that Marina and Lana were planing on adopting, Dan and Phil met in a class in grad school, and Melanie and Niall were expecting their second child, everyone and everything seemed to be perfect, everyone was happy. after cake and presents we were all sitting in the living room with tea and cookies and i knew it was time.
'i just want to thank everyone who came today to celebrate our little angels birthday.' i said to everyone as i kissed Effie on the cheek who was sitting on Calum's lap and then i looked at him with a smile which caused him to blush a little and look away.
'i'm glad that i have my own family and loved ones around me after everything that has happened over the years and since everyone is here there is something i want to say.' i said as i got up and placed my cup of tea down and looked at Calum.
'Calum, I don't know where to begin but to say that I love you, I have loved you through everything that we have been through and not once did I stop loving you.' i said and he looked at be confused and looked around to see what this was about.
'I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you and I just knew there was something about you, something I needed to know and someone that I knew I needed to be with.So here we are several years later and after every trial and test our relationship has faced we got through it and I wouldn't want it any other way. You were my student, my lost love and true love, you are my best friend and so that is why I am here today asking you, Calum Hood, to add to that list and be my husband.
'So, what do you say?' i said as i kneeled down on one knee and opened the box with a silver band with the engraved words Angel on the front. he eyes grew wide and Effie clapped her hands with a huge smile as everyone in the room were silent waiting for his answer.
'yes oh my god yes!' he said and my smile grew wider if that was possible and i slipped on the ring on his finger and kissed him like with so much love and passion and he kissed me back with the emotions. the room erupted in claps and awes and both our moms were a crying mess.
we were both standing there surrounded by people who loved us as i held our daughter and my husband by my side.
this was my family.
-HEY )':
God I can not believe that it is really over. After three books, several heartbreaks, different boyfriends, sex on desks, cheating boys, two deaths, and a baby and it's over lmfao. I just want to say a huggggggge thank you to everyone who read this and read all of it and stuck by with me through all of it which i know was a lot and also thank you for making this one of my most successful and favorite books, thank you again xoxo
Love you

Effie || Cake
Fanfiction[Third Book To Teaching Affairs] It's been four years since Calum left for London and four years since Luke's heart was broken, again. Now the two are reunited and Luke couldn't be any more happy but Calum, well let's say he delt with the break up b...