Stalker Tag

826 41 20

I was tagged by PanickingWithRoses


So I have like no pictures on my phone lol except for this one I took ^^^ cause I felt cute that day but really I just look like a potato lying done on a pillow so

What are you wearing?

Grey sweats cause that's all I am in college tbh and a dark grey and red shirt with my schools logo on it aka in the picture

Ever fallen in love?

Thankfully no but I can't wait to


6'0'' and 3/4


lol no

Something + Someone you miss?

The privacy I had at home and my friends from back home

Zodiac sign

Sagittarius, waddup??

Fav colors?

Yellow, pink, Tiel

State you live in?

Well I lived in Massachusetts my whole life but I go to college in New Hampshire

Last thing you laughed at?

This video my friend showed me on twitter that she was scared of Cx I really wish I could show you guys

Current song on repeat?

New Americana by Halsey and Sorry by JB

Writing this on my bed in my dorm a few days late but it's all good (:

So I tag AustralianLoveAffiar and upinthe_hoodings

Love you

Effie || CakeWhere stories live. Discover now