I was tagged by PanickingWithRoses
So I have like no pictures on my phone lol except for this one I took ^^^ cause I felt cute that day but really I just look like a potato lying done on a pillow so
What are you wearing?
Grey sweats cause that's all I am in college tbh and a dark grey and red shirt with my schools logo on it aka in the picture
Ever fallen in love?
Thankfully no but I can't wait to
6'0'' and 3/4
lol no
Something + Someone you miss?
The privacy I had at home and my friends from back home
Zodiac sign
Sagittarius, waddup??
Fav colors?
Yellow, pink, Tiel
State you live in?
Well I lived in Massachusetts my whole life but I go to college in New Hampshire
Last thing you laughed at?
This video my friend showed me on twitter that she was scared of Cx I really wish I could show you guys
Current song on repeat?
New Americana by Halsey and Sorry by JB
Writing this on my bed in my dorm a few days late but it's all good (:
So I tag AustralianLoveAffiar and upinthe_hoodings
Love you

Effie || Cake
Fanfiction[Third Book To Teaching Affairs] It's been four years since Calum left for London and four years since Luke's heart was broken, again. Now the two are reunited and Luke couldn't be any more happy but Calum, well let's say he delt with the break up b...