Luck Is A Killer Pt. 1

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I'm sorry )': love you all


after talking with Ashton about what happened with Calum and i i fell so much better and i feel like i am able to teach again, it's been so long since i've been there and thankfully Marina was understanding and let me take a few days off till i felt better and now that i do i can't wait to go back and see all my students. i grabbed my phone and called Marina in hopes she'll take me back.

'Luke?' she asked as she answered the phone.

'hey.' i simply said.

'how have you been? i hope you're doing much better.' she said.

'i am thanks, actually that's why i'm calling you i was wondering since i've been feeling better these past days if it'll be okay for me to come back and work. i know that it's been a while and-'

'of course! oh my god of course you can come back i've missed you and so have al of your students, they have been coming to my office non stop asking when you'll be back.' she said with the most enthusiasm i have ever heard.

'thank you so much!' i said practically yelling.

'no problem but promise me we'll go for drinks or something and catch up.' she asked.

'of course.' i said before saying goodbye and hanging up to get ready.

i walked into my bathroom and started the shower as i took my clothes off and stepped in once the water was hot enough. i didn't spend too much time in the shower like usual cause i wanted to get to the school early enough to get settled in and make sure everything was in its place. i looked through my closet for something to wear, what does one wear to work after being a way for weeks? trying not to think too much about it i just grabbed some grey pants a light blue button up and my cardigan which i wear with practically everything.

after taking a look at myself in the mirror one last time i grabbed my phone keys and bag and headed off to the school. i don't know why but i'm so nervous, i'm more nervous than my first day of teaching there. thinking back to that day puts a smile on my face because it was my first job and also the first time i saw Calum, god do i miss him or what? parking in the parking lot i grabbed my things and got out walking through the double doors and to my old classroom. there were a few people looking at me but i payed no mind and kept walking. 

i pushed the classroom door open and was hit with deja vu and an overwhelming sense of nostalgia that i never thought i would feel again, it was nice to feel though. i placed my bag down on my desk, which was practically the exact way i left it but i had to move some things around to where i liked them and began to rearrange the desks into rows like i had before and waited for the bell to ring which was about 10 minutes later. students started to pill in and they all looked at me and smiled, there were some gasps and some oh my gods and some greeted me, it was a nice feeling. after they were all seated i looked at the crowd and felt right at home.

'hello everyone, i know it has been awhile since you've last seen me but i just had some personal issues to take care of and it pained me to not be here trust me...' i talked grabbing everyone's attention and began class.

before i knew it class was over and everyone was packing up to leave and i was left alone in the room once again. looking at the desk i couldn't help but blush at the memory of having sex with Calum on this desk, god was that fun. thinking about it all Calum and i actually did a lot of things in here. i was packing my bag up when there was a knock at my door and i looked up and was greeted with a smile from Marina which i returned. 

'hey, so how was your first day back?' she asked walking into the class.

'it was great, i almost forgot what it felt like to teach.' i said slinging my bag over my shoulder.

'well you are a great teacher so how about we go get those drinks?' she suggested.

'it's like the middle of the afternoon.' i said shaking my head laughing.

'i know and we're already behind now come on.' she said and we walked out together.

about twenty minutes later we arrived at this restaurant slash bar thing and took our seats and ordered some drinks and an appetizer. 

'so how are you and Lana doing?' i asked. (a/n yes Lana Del Rey cX)

'amazing, i couldn't be any more happy i love her so much.' she beamed and it brought a smile to my face.

'what about Calum and you, have you guys seen each other?' she asked and i laughed nervously.

'well, about that.' i said scratching the back of my neck.

'oh my god tell me.' she said with wide eyes.

'well he came home for-' i started but was cut off by my phone after apologizing i answered it.

'hello?' i asked. 

'is this Luke Hemmings?' a guy with a deep voice asked on the other side of the phone.

'yes, who is this?' i asked furrowing my eyebrows looking at Marina who shared my expression.

'i'm calling from the police department, could please come down.' the man said adding to my confusion.

'sure but may i ask why?' i asked.

'there has been an accident, with a Ashton and Louis Tomlinson.' he said and my heart stopped and everything was in slow motion, the world had seemed to stop around me.

'w-what?' i stuttered, skin turning cold and numb sending a chill throughout my body.

'please, i'd rather explain in person what happened.' the man said over the phone which had slipped from my hands and fell on my plate earning a loud sound and all eyes to be on me.

'what is it Luke?' Marina asked with concern in her eyes.

't-there was an accident.' i said with no emotion on my face or in my voice. 

i then snapped out of it and thought about Effie, oh god? Effie, what if she was with them? i stood up and grabbed my things and told Marina to meet me at the station and ran out of the restaurant and to my car. i don't how fast i was driving but it doesn't even matter because i need to get to the station.

after a few minutes i had arrived and parked fast and ran out of the car and busted through the stations doors making everyone look at me with wide eyes and confusion but i went up the counter with tears begging to come out.

'i-i'm here about a call about Ashton and Louis.' i said barely.

'Luke? hi, i'm the one on the phone.' a tall man said coming up to me with a sympathetic look.

'are they o-okay? i asked looking at him with pleading eyes.

'i'm sorry.' he simply said and i couldn't take it and dropped to my knees finally letting the tears win.

the last i remembered was someone wrapping their arms around my shaking body.


So yes some of you have guessed it (which i hate lol i try to surprise but i fail but its okay Cx) this is almost over and that's crazy, like three books later but anyway 

Love you

Effie || CakeWhere stories live. Discover now