You're My Little Angel Pt. 1

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'i can't wait to go back home, it's been so long.' i said as i held onto Dan's arm on the plane.

'i don't think i've ever seen you so happy before, it's adorable on you.' he said as we kissed.

'and plus i am so happy for Ashton and Louis, i absolutely adore children.' i said with a fondness.

'i'll keep that in mind.' he said with a smile. the rest of the flight was boring and quiet and we may or may not have had sex in the airplane bathroom.

i must have fallen asleep because i was being shaken awake by Dan and the plane wasn't moving anymore. after grabbing all of our bags and carry ons we headed to get checked out and now i had to find Melanie. i looked around the airport and of course there she was with my mom holding up the biggest sign i think that i'd ever seen.

'hi!' she screamed as we walked up to them.

'did you really have to make the biggest sign?' i asked with a smile as i hugged her and then my mom.

'um duh, how else do you suppose we embarrass you?' my mom said with a smile.

'of course, well this is my boyfriend Dan, Dan this is my mom.' i said as i introduced them since i never had a chance and Mel had already met him.

'nice to meet you ma'am.' he said as he went to shake her hand.

'it's nice to meet you too.' she said as she hugged him.

after that we had grabbed all our stuff and headed to their car and soon we were off to my old house. as we passed by all the old buildings and old stores it gave a sense of familiarity that i always needed and it gave a huge wave of nostalgia.

it was a surreal moment when my mom pulled up to the pavement of my old house, the house that had left for awhile after the thing with Harry and Zayn and i had stayed with Melanie. That was a dark time in my life but thankfully it's in my past and i have moved on.

'Cal, Zayn has moved back and if you're not okay with that then i can ask him to leave of if you'd prefer you could stay with Melanie.' my mom said looking at me.

'it's okay, it was so long ago.' i said truthfully and we had taken the bags out of the car and walked up the pathway.

'what happened with your brother?' Dan asked.

'nothing, just some family stuff.' i said and he just shook his head. see um i didn't tell him about what happened with Zayn and Harry nor did i tell him about my relationship with Luke, in fact he doesn't even know about Luke at all. i wanted to leave that part of my life in the past and so i couldn't very well tell him.

as i walked into the house it was definitely a different and weird feeling that i honestly couldn't explain. it was kinda nice though.

'hey Calum.' i heard someone say and i looked up and saw that it was Zayn.

'hey Zayn.' i said with a small smile.

we didn't say anything else but i just walked up to him and hugged him, i hugged him as a way of letting everything he did to me wash away in the past. he was definitely surprised at my actions but he hugged me back with a smile.

'so what happened between you and your brother?' Dan asked as we unpacked some of our things and got ready to go to bed.

'um well he was cheating with my boyfriend for several years and i didn't take it so well and i had to move out of my house cause i may or may not have tried to kill him.' i said with a sheepish smile.

'damn, i'm sorry.' he said as he pulled the bed covers down and got into bed.

'yea, it's okay now though, it was so long ago.' i said as we kissed goodnight and i drifted off.


the next day was Ashton and Louis' baby shower party and i was so excited, i am so happy for them. i headed downstairs with Dan with my gift in my hand, i found this beautiful blanket in this antique store and new i had to get it.

'ready?' asked my mom to all of us and we all said a collective yes and headed into van. after a little driving we had arrived at this little venue just on the outskirts of the town and we all got out and walked in and there was Ashton running around like crazy and Louis holding Effie with a huge smile as he showed her to everyone who came in including us.

'congrats.' i said with a huge smile as i walked up to Louis.

'thanks.' he smiled back.

'she's absolutely breathtaking, may i?' i said as i looked at her.

'of course.' he said as he handed me the girl of the hour.

as i grabbed her i couldn't help but stare into her deep brown eyes, they captured my soul and held it in the most sensitive way possible. as i looked at her it just made me wish she was mine, god how i have always wanted children but Dan despises the idea so we never talked much about it.

as i was looking and smiling at her the door chimed and i looked up and was met with a familiar pair of blue eyes.



haha so finally they meet ! i mean it only took like 13 chapters but you should know me by now lol cX part two coming soon

Love you

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