Chapter 21

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Hayes' pov

*The next day*

I woke up to silence... Strange. "Take it back!" I heard Sage yell. "Why should?! Now get out of my room!" I heard Alex shout back. "Daddy!" Sage cried running into my room with tears on her little cheeks. "Come here baby," I said and she crawled up onto my lap, crying into my chest. "What happened?" I asked whipping her tears. "A-Alex s-said I-I not his s-sister a-anymore," she cried. "Why did he say that?" I asked as I rubbed her back. "Cause I had a bad dream and went in his room and slept with him till now and he kicked me out of his room and I wouldn't leave so he said dat," she said. "I'll talk to him now go find mom and tell her to go make breakfast," I told her and she nodded running out of my room. "Alex!" I called and soon he came into my room. "Yes?" He asked Yawning. "Why?" I asked folding my arms. "Why what?" He asked. "Why'd you say that to your sister?" I asked. "Because she's always up my but," he said sitting on my bed. "If that's how family worked I wouldn't have any," I said and he laughed, but I was serious. "Family may get on your nerves, but that have the best intentions for you," I said. "But-" "No buts about it Alexander," I said sternly. "Now go apologize to your sister," I said and he nodded walking out of the room, only for Owen, Ansle, and Zander to walk in moments later. "Can I help you?" I asked them getting out of bed. "When do we start school like Alex and Ben?" Owen asked. "In two years," I answered making my bed. "But that's so far away," Ansel groaned and I laughed. "Did you guys make your beds?" I asked. "Yes." "Maybe." "I don't know." "How do you not know Zander?" I asked as I put the pillows on my bed. "I can't remember it was so long ago," he commented. "Like ten minutes was a long time," Ansel laughed. "It is," Zander protested. "Just go make sure your bed are made them come down for breakfast," I told them and they nodded leaving the room so I could change. I changed into some black and white basketball shorts and a white beater. Then I walked down all the flights of stairs to the kitchen, I think we are going to need an elevator in our old age days but we have time I mean we are only 22. "Hayes!" I heard Sky yell. "Yes my dearest," I said walking into the kitchen. "Go get your kids," she told me. "Our kids," I corrected her. "No they are yours," she said pulling out more plates and I laughed walking to the intercom thing. "Everyone to the kitchen for breakfast," I said into it before walking back into the kitchen by Sky and wrapping my arms around her waist. "Morning," I smiled kissing her cheek. "Morning," she said mixing the eggs. "Smells good," I told her. "I know," she said putting the eggs on the plates as I put two pieces of bacon on each plate. "Smart ass are we?" I asked her. "You knew that before we were even going out," she laughed. "True," I told her, laughing with her. "Line up," she told the kids and we handed them there plate as the came over to the counter. "Orange juice?" She asked. "Orange juice!" They all the shouted back. "I got the juice," I told her and she nodded grabbing the cups and setting the on the table. "Grab my plate please," I asked Sky. "You know I don't want to," she whined grabbing the plate anyways. "But you love me," I smiled poring all the cups of juice. "Do I?" She asked. "Yes you do," I answered. "Think what you want," she murmured sitting down. "I will," I said poring our cup of orange juice. "Love you," she said kissing me. "I know you do," I smirked putting the juice away. "Shut up and eat," she said pointing to my seat. "Catch me first," I said and she got out of her chair. "Hayes," she warned walking closer. "Skylar," I said talking steps backwards. "Come on," she said walking closer. "Catch me!" I shouted running into the living room and I heard the kids laugh. "Get over here Benjamin!" She shouted running as fast as she could for a pregnant woman. "But I want to eat," I heard Ben say as I was hiding behind the couch. "No sweety that's your dad's real name," she explained to him. "So I can call daddy Ben?" Ben asked. "Yes," I heard Sky said. "No you can't," I said walking back into the kitchen. "Then eat," Ben said. "Benjamin," he finished with a smirk. "Don't push it," I warned and he laughed. "Eat and after we have a surprise for you guys," Sky said and they cheered.

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