23)Ash Bash 2014

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Tay's POV

'So this is what's the aftermath of a blowout fight with your girlfriend is? I don't know why so many people bitch. This is fucking amazing! Tonight, I'm gonna get pretty much shitfaced and do whatever I want. And Han thought Ren would tame me?! Pbbbt, I bet she's regretting it now. All I have to do is get through one last meeting before the Sharpe presentation.'

I stroll towards Sharpe's class to meet up with Ren. I'm about to enter when a nagging voice screeches my name.

"Yes?" I sigh as I turn to face Jenna.

"May I have a word with you in my office? It's rather important."

"To who?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Who is it important to?"

"You. If you want to graduate especially if we consider your track record."

By now our conversation has drawn a crowd. Obviously people have nothing better to do than to watch a professor try to put one over on me.

'I could give them a show they won't forget. I mean that's exactly what they expect but then that would them the satisfaction of thinking they know me. On the other hand it would burst my bubble to have to sit Jenna's office and have to sit there while she either tries to seduce me or make good on her threat. I can't even remember when she threatened me. Might as well get this over with. She might ruin my day but she won't ruin my night.'

"Why not? I have some time to kill. Lead the way, Professor Maynes." I say acting like she's doing me a favor turning the crowd to my side. My smirk widens them drops off my face as Ren walks into the building tucked into Dean's shoulder.

'Fuck is this shit? Does she think she can make jealous using that asswipe? Pbbttt. I don't get jealous; I get even.'

Dean, the smug bastard, walks with extra pep in his step. He holds her tighter when he sees me. The bastard smirks at me as he escorts Ren to class. He whispers in her ear and gives her a sloppy kiss. I just shake my head and follow Jenna up the stairs to her office.

"Wasn't that your girlfriend?" Jenna asks.


"I'm sorry you had to see that." Jenna says feigning sympathy.

"I'm not. Didn't bother me none. Now.. what is it we have to discuss? It must be awfully important since you thought you could embarrass me in front of my so called peers? Or is this another ploy in order for me to bang you and then you can regret it?"

"A little of both."

"That's pretty honest of you, Jenna. Do you actually have ethics now? Should I start calling you Professor Maynes?" I reply with a voice oozing sarcasm.

"You're one to talk about ethics. How's your moral code?"

"Infinitely better than yours. Can we just get back to business? I've got people to do."

"Professor Sharpe is retiring after this semester due to his increasing health problems. The university has already hired a replacement that will begin shadowing him as of today."

"To quote the great 21st century poet laureate Kesha, 'blah, blah, blah'. Get to the punch line."

"Since he is your academic adviser and you're persona non grata, no one is willing to be your advisor. So, I have been appointed your new adviser. You better get used to me cause you will be seeing me often. As a matter of fact, you're my only charge and I've been given a substantial bonus. Try to make me proud."

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