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If only Mom and Dad could see me now, they'd shit their pants. They're regal silver spoon fed daughter working with blue collar Joe. It's funny when they sent me here I fucking hated it. I acted like the spoil child they thought I was. Then I met Joe and he gave me a job. Yea, it's a shitty minimum wage job at a sandwich shop but I make my own money. Plus, it's a great way to meet people. It's how I met Jenna before she became Professor Pillow Princess. I groan as lift a box; this short shift may just kill me.

"Quit bellyaching. Some of us will be here all night." Josh, my co-worker, shouts. I walk to the front and brush past Josh.

"I know, dude." I roll my back and groan at the pain.

"Stop getting into fights, Tay." I nod as I pull a water bottle out of the cooler. Thank goodness, I stopped at the Doc on my way in. He wrote me a script for some Tylenol with codeine. I discreetly pop two when a group of girls come in.

"Welcome to the One Stop Sub Shop. My name's Josh. How may I help you?" Josh puts on his "attractive" voice. He swears that ladies flock to him like bees to honey. I shake my head and put on gloves prepared to add veggies. Josh and I have a rhythm; we get people in and out with minimum hassle and great satisfaction.

"Hiya!" Adrienne says from in front of me. I'm so distracted that I forget I'm working. I neatly slice into my finger.

"Balls!" I yell. Josh turns and shakes his head at me. I turn around and peel my glove off. I turn on the sink behind me and flush the cut. I wrap it in a paper towel bandage while ringing up Adrienne's sandwich.

"Would you like to add a drink, chips, soup, or cookies?" I reply on autopilot hoping that I'm not blushing. Adrienne's giggles let me know I failed.

"No, thank you. Are you alright?"

"Yup, just a nic. Grand total is $4.58." Adrienne hands me a five.

"Just a little nic on your already injured hands. Lemme take look at 'em. Please?" Adrienne gives me a puppy dog look with her blue green eyes. Her look could even put Perry to shame. I look at Josh; he shrugs his shoulders. I nod and go into the lobby. Adrienne leads me to the booth closest to the employee door. She lightly caresses and examines my hands. The little cut is nearly impossible to see especially in the sea of angry red and purple bruises.

"Ask your friend to get me some ice and a rag." Adrienne demands.

'Demanding, huh. I wonder if she's like that in the bedroom.'

"Hey Josh. Could you get me a cuppa ice and a clean dish rag, please?" Josh complies. Josh taunts me as he gets back behind the counter. A customer saves him from my one finger salute. Adrienne dumps the ice in the rag and set on my left hand.

"Hold that while I eat." She orders again.

'The cuteness is fading with the whole ordering me around shit. I can't wait till I'm off shift; I'll give her a piece of my mind.'

"Are you always so demanding?" I ask. She slowly chews making my patience run out. She cocks her head sideways as if weighing her approach.

"Not usually. For some reason, you bring it out of me." She winks at me and continues eating with her left hand. With her right, she switches the makeshift ice pac from my left to my right hand. I gently take her hand off of mine.

"Very flattering but you shouldn't give me so much power over you. I might take advantage of your innocence." I say as the bell dings announcing the presence of a new customer. I slide out the booth because that was my cue to leave.

"Where you going? You can't drive Delores like that." Adrienne says getting up.

"I can but I'm not. My shift's over and that's my ride." I nod goodbye to Josh and follow Hannah outside. A quick kiss and then I piggy back Hannah back to my place.

'Adrienne, Adrienne, Adrienne. What kind of game are you playing?'


I sit back down as I watch Taylor leave the shop.

'No need to chase her. it would be too obvious and Taylor's way too smart; she'd sniff out my game before I even start. Even without the bet, Taylor would have been on my radar. She's way too cocky and I do love a challenge. I wonder who the girl was. Surely not a girlfriend. Maybe I'll ask Josh.'

I polish off my sandwich and get up to return the rag to Josh.

"Hey Josh. Thanks for the rag." I lean against the counter making sure Josh looks at my chest.

'Bingo! Boys are so easy.'

"No porblem. I'm surprised Tay let you help her. She doesn't accept help. Like from anyone."

"I'm honored. I think it's my honest face." I wink.

"Maybe. Or maybe it's something else like she likes you." Josh attempts to flirt back.

"Likes me? I doubt it. Wasn't that her girl just now?" Too easy, Josh.

"Who? Hannah? Nah, that's her best friend. What about you though? Do you like her?" Joshie boy tries to turn the tables on me. 'Not very slick, my friend.'

"By any chance, are you guys hiring?" I can almost see Josh's head spin from the change in subject.

"Uhh, dunno. The owner will be by on Friday around this time. You can ask then. I'll put in a good word; It'd be nice to work with a beautiful girl like you." 

"Aww, thanks. See you Friday, Josh."

 'No girlfriend. I'm guessing your a big player, Tay. Game on.'

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