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Scars POV:
I looked around everyone dressed to impress "hey" I smiled "enough already LETS GO" Rose screamed we all laughed and headed out the door locking it behind me I tossed the key to James "here bro" I smiled he laughed flipping his fringe I ran to the bus and opened the door "hi guys I'm jacky your bus driver" the guy at the wheel smiled I smiled "hey I'm scar this is Rose this is jasmine and this is James" I introduced "hi well go get comfy" he smiled at us I dragged my suit case to the bunks "dibs on top" I screamed chucking my bag up "dibs on second top" James screamed and climbed in I laughed and started to un pack my stuff before laying out a outfit for the band barbecue later it was meant to be fancy attire "where to guys" jacky asked from the front "OUR MERCH GIRL BICS HOUSE" I called "okey dokey" he said and started driving I finished unpacking and took my laptop and my phone to the lounge were jasmine was already sat on her phone "sup" I asked placing my stuff down and grabbing a monster from the fridge "hey" she said I opened the can and sat down and scrolled through tumblr "WE ARE HERE GUYS" jacky shouted I nodded and opened the door bic was stood in a shattered stars t shirt and white shorts with a black flower crown gold sandals pink lipstick and gold eyeshadow I smiled she looked amazing she might not be punk rock or Emo but she was the best friend ever "SCAAAAAR" she squealed "BIIIC" I said we hugged and she stepped on and started to unpack an hour later and we arrived at the stop we stepped out the bus and walked to a small blue room where bands were gathering and chatting all of us had to try not to fan girl it was so hard "ok remember no screaming" James reminded as he walked of to go see fall out boy and making friends quickly everyone scattered but I stayed still I didn't like new people I felt myself start to panic and backed up into the corner of the room my breathing becoming hitched and shallow the tears threatening to spill over I tried to calm down but it wasn't working "whoa you alright" I voice rang as I hand caught my shoulder I looked up and saw Ben Bruce I nodded but then burst out crying way to go scar make your favourite band member think your odd "hey it's ok" he soothed hugging me "I'm Ben from asking Alexandria" he stated "scar from shattered stars" I whispered he nodded "your bands pretty cool" he nodded "thanks" I answered feeling less panicky "panic attack?" He asked I nodded "don't like new people" I answered shyly "aha it's fine everyone here is lovely" he smiled I smiled back "want me to introduce you" i smiled "yes please" he lead me over to the rest of AA "guys this is scar" Ben said "hi" everyone said smiling at me we moved on and soon I was stood talking to miw by myself turns out we have a lot in common and Chris and I decided we would go to the barbecue together as friends of course I smiled as we all headed up the bus "THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING" rose squealed "tell me about it" james stated "OMG CANT WAIT I MEAN WE ARE PLAYING WARPED" jasmine shouted "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA ROCK AND ITS GONNA BE THE BEST SUMMER EVER" bic shouted again "HELL YEAH" I chimed in we giggled as we headed back to the bus time to get ready.

Warped tour disastersWhere stories live. Discover now