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--scars POV---
Soon everyone arrived back and I told them the amazing news Rose looked at the floor "I also have news" she said we all looked at her "Ashley Purdy and I are a thing" she smiled we all squealed and James rolled his eyes "scar can I speak to you" he asked I nodded and went outside with him "what's up" I asked "look I don't know if I can continue with the band" he sighed "what but you- but" I stuttered tears rolling down my face James shook his head "my dad wants me to get a proper job and stop living of dreams" he said "and your gonna go along with it" I asked "I don't really have a choice he would never speak to me again if I didn't" he said I nodded "I understand family first" I fake smiled "scar please" he whispered "scar what" I asked spite dripping out my voice we had worked so hard for this and he wants to leave "please don't be angry with me" he asked "HOW COULD I NOT BE MAD WE DO THIS WE LOOSE OUR GUITARIST AMD WE STILL GAIN FANS WE MAKING IT FINALY AND YOU GO AND DO THIS DO YOU KNOW HOW SPITEFUL THAT IS" I screamed crying "I'm sorry" I heard sniggering behind our bus and spun round where Ricky and Andy stood with a camera laughing their ass's of "why the hell are you laughing" I asked annoyance in my voice "you fell for it" Ricky said basically pissing his pants "fell for what" I asked still angry "James he was joking he's not leaving" they both stood and laughed I turned to James and slapped him across the face before hugging him tightly "don't ever do that again or I will ram a ten foot cactus up your ass" I laughed "ok ok I'm sorry" he smiled hugging me back I turned around "now you two pricks" I said "I thing I left my straighteners on" Ricky said running of I had to hold back a giggle "i hate you" I said to Andy he shook his head "no you don't" he laughed "OK I LOVE YOU BUT YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE" I shouted waking back onto the bus to fix my makeup soon we were ready and we linked arms and skipped to the motionless bus ghost answered "is the horror ready yet" I laughed "MY CHILD PEOPLE WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE" ghost called Ricky stuck his head round the door "COMING" he shouted and jumped out the bus joining us Chris gave me a sad smile from the doorway i just ignored him as we walked to the bvb bus i opened the door "get your lazy asses out here" I called all five members started putting on shoes Andy came up to me "you look stunning" he said kissing me I giggled and we all walked of the bus "ONE LAST STOP" Rose screamed we knocked on the asking bus and James Ben and Denis did a ninja jump out the door "god why are you here no one wants you" tash moaned from the door I shook my head before reaching up and punching her in the face cam gave me a stern look "self defence?" I asked he shook his head " you know what I don't even care" he laughed joining us we walked to the party everyone laughing and talking and I have to say this was the best warped tour ever.

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