Red carpet

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Scars POV:
I re dyed my hair black and curled it before doing my makeup making sure everything was perfect I walked out the bathroom and lily ran in I grabbed the bagged up dress and lay it down on my bunk suddenly my brain kicked in and I smiled before running out the bus there was three things I needed to do I ran to askings bus Ben opened the door I flung my arms around his neck "I'm so sorry I've been avoiding you I still want to be friends" I said I let go and he nodded and kissed my cheek "I need to go thanks and bye" I called running to motionless's bus I knocked on the door Ricky answered the door "hey Rick nice suit is Chris there" I asked "thanks and I'll go get him" moments later Chris appeared looking hopeful i leant in towards him he leant in to his face inches from, mine when I raised my hand and slapped him "goodbye ceruli" I said before walking to the bvb bus Andy opened the door with a towel around his waist "hey scar" he said looking into my eyes "I don't know why I didn't do this earlier" I said and pushed my lips against his he kissed back and leant his forehead against mine "go out with me scar" he asked "of course" I said kissing him one last time before running back to my bus "where were you" lily asked "I made up with Ben slapped Chris and kissed andy" I said she clapped her hands "nice going" she said I bowed before running to the loo to curl my hair again I added hairspray and ran out grabbing the dress and running back in I grabbed my underwear and changed everyone had left when I came out I slid on my shoes and walked out the bus Chris was approaching my bus and Andy was stood back to us smoking I walked towards him and tapped his shoulder he spun round "holy shit you look stunning" he said picking me up and spinning me round He put me down and kissed me before wrapping and arm around my waist and leading me to the car we climbed in he looked at me again "you really are the most beautiful thing on this planet" he said I blushed he kissed me again the car soon stopped and we climbed out and Andy took my hand cameras flashing in my eyes I held his hand tighter he squeezed it tight as we walked down the red carpet.

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