Stolen stars

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Scars POV:
I walked of the bus and into a forest near by I climbed into a tree and sat I had worked so hard to get this far and then someone from school had to show up and ruin it and when there is one there is always more and they always mange to ruin my thing and what I have worked for I sat for an hour then decided I should be getting back I walked to the bus and became aware asking were on our bus I just prayed she wasn't there too I stepped on James stood up and put a arm around me and yay tash was sat on the sofa with Cameron in a orange top and some patterned shorts her bleach blond hair hanging on her shoulders I groaned "you should go" I said Cameron and tash stood up "why do we do what she says" tash whined "cuz it's my bus duh" I stated she glared "no it's not" I looked her up and down and then looked at her shoes "are they my shoes" I asked "yes you have some nice designer stuff in you bunk I'm only borrowing" she giggled "put it all back" I said through gritted teeth "come on scar she's only borrowing" Cameron said "SHE DIDNT ASK WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS TAKE HER SIDE ALL SHE DOES IS RUIN MY LIFE AMD TAKE MY STUFF JUST GET OUT" I screamed tears spilling over I ran to my bunk and looked through my clothes she took everything I only had my pyjamas and one pair of shorts and a shirt and my underwear along with one pair of vans "YOU BITCH" I screamed I broke down then someone walked in i looked up it was ben he held out his hand "lets go" he said "w-what" I stuttered "get your stuff back" he smiled I nodded and took his hand and walked of the bus with him we walked to askings bus and Ben opened it "EVERYONE GET OUT HERE" Ben called everyone appeared Ben pointed at tash "you out" he said she went to go to the bunk "nu uh out the bus" he said she turned and glared at me wobbling in my heels "right she doesn't come back on till we leave ok" he stated everyone nodded I guess they knew not to mess with Ben when he was in a bad mood Ben led me to tash's clothes I pulled out my clothes they were crumpled and stuffed into corners I groaned as I gathered clothes soon Ben started helping "fuck what's her problem" he asked as he put another armful of clothes onto his bunk "I don't know" I answered soon Denis walked back "here to help" he stated and started picking up clothes when we finished we stood and looked at the pile "holy fuck scar how many clothes" Denis asked "enough" I laughed and started picking them up Ben helping and Denis "JAMES COME HELP" Denis shouted and James helped picking up my clothes and bringing them back to my bunk Denis looked around "you guys are really tidy" he laughed "I don't like mess" I laughed "shall we try video games again" Ben giggled "HELL YEAH" Denis and I screamed "but let me get changed" I asked "sure thing" "wait lets make a day of it you me Ben go play video games then go into town and go get pizza then have a movie night" Denis asked "great idea stoff give me an hour" I laughed the two boys nodded and walked out I sighed why did she do that. I picked up my phone and sent a text to Ben "can bic come" I asked "sure thing" he replied "can James come" "sure" I giggled and stood in front of all my clothes.

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