Ap awards

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Scars POV:
"Hey scar" Andy whispered waking me up from my sleep on the sofa "I forgot" "forgot what this better be important gothsack" I moaned "AP awards are tonight" he whispered "HOLY SHIT BIC GET UP OMG IM GONNA BE LATE ANDY GET OUT JAMES GET OUT" I squealed "whoa wait will you come with me to the awards" Andy asked "of course" I smiled "bic you come with me yea" James asked bic nodded now shoo we need to get ready" she said shoving them both towards the door lily came skipping through the door "hello little miss sunshine" I laughed "GUESS WHAT" she squealed "did Charlie finally ask Andy out" Rose said sticking her head round from the bunks "NO ASH ASKED ME OUT" she squealed "OMG WOW IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUUU" I said picking her up and running around with her "btw I put dibs on the bathroom" I said running of and locking the door.

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