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Scars POV:
The night went amazing we got invited to a sleepover on askings bus with miw and bvb we all agreed and were told to come in our pyjamas we made our way back to the bus and changed I was aware that my stomach was showing but didn't care less u grabbed my phone and we all walked over James had ninja turtle pyjamas we knocked on the door and I was freezing my teeth were chattering like crazy and no one answered we walked In everyone sat drinking and laughing I walked over and sat on my own on a sofa I felt the sofa drop as someone sat down "hey scar" I looked up at Ricky in a black t shirt and skull pyjama bottoms "hey" I replied and smiled "wanna play spin the bottle with us all" he asked "sure thing" I said and stood up walking over to the group which consisted of Andy Ben Bruce Chris Ricky and james" we started to play it landed on Ben and Andy Ben kissed Andy and then continued then it landed on me and James "oh god" James said I leant forward and kissed him on the cheek "awa come on" Ben whined "he's like my brother that would be odd" I stated everyone shook their heads then just to my luck *scarcasm* it landed on me and Chris I leant over to kiss his cheek but he pulled my face to his "oh no not that" he whispered then slammed his lips into mine I kissed back soon his tongue was inside my mouth "EWWW GET A ROOM" Andy shouted and we broke apart I blushed and sat down by the end I had kissed everyone then we played seven seconds in heaven "ok scar in the bunk ally with Chris" Ben shouted I stood up as did Chris we walked back and he shut the door and before I knew it I was slammed against it Chris kissing me "Chris get off" I struggled "I'm so sorry" he said "I thought th- I thought you" he shook his head "I don't know you Chris I said he looked sad "but I would like to" I whispered his face lit up "oh ok yes um next stop I'll take you out" he nodded excited I laughed "ok" I smiled he kissed me lightly on the cheek "ONE MINUTE LEFT" we heard Andy call "come here " I said and pulled Chris closer I wiped some of my lipstick on his mouth and then messed his hair up then I messed mine up "OK OUT YOU COME HOLY SHIT WHAT DID TOU TWO DO" Andy asked opening the door " Chris laughed as did I "ooooooh" Andy said and laughed to I walked back and sat on the sofa and soon fell asleep.

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