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Scars POV:
I changed quickly soon panicking that I was over dressed I sat on my bunk staring into space thinking about how I was over dressed and would have to change I stood up to lay another lot of clothes out Incase when two tattooed hands slid round my waist and hugged me close Chris spun me round and looked me up and down "dam you look stunning" he said smiling "really I didn't know if it was to much or-" he cut me of by placing his lips against mine "perfect you look god dam perfect" he smiled I smiled back and he wrapped his arm around my waist leading me out we walked until we came to a graveyard inside under a tree there were candles strung up a blanket underneath I giggled "how goth chris" "please you know you love it" he said "your right" we sat down and ate our food "ghost story's" he asked I gulped knowing I would regret this later but didn't want to be made fun of so I nodded he told me the creepiest story ever he finished and suddenly a gust of wind caused all the candles to go out leaving us in the dark I frantically gripped Chris' shirt and he held me tight "Chris I'm scared" I whispered "it's fine no one will hurt you I'm here" he said there was I noise I gripped him tighter "your ok your ok" he whispered then placed his lips on my lips I kissed back still holding him tightly he held my waist we separated for air I looked up at him his eyes sparkling I kissed him Again we broke apart as we stood up he picked up the stuff and held me tight as we walked out using his phone as light we got back outside my bus I was about to open it when he stopped me "scar wait" he said I turned around "stay with me tonight" he asked I nodded we walked back and opened the door "Chriiis baby" said a black haired girl on the sofa "who's this" I asked "I'm Chris' girlfriend jemma" she smiled "scar wait" Chris said but I turned and ran I ran to our bus all the lights were out I opened the door it was unlocked maybe someone else was out I walked in not turning on lights and went to my bunk i grabbed a t shirt from my side of wardrobe and slid it on taking of my skirt and shoes I put on knee night socks as I was cold I pulled my self up and screamed "AHHHH HOLY SHIT" i screamed falling out the bunk lights went on i clung onto James "JAMES THERES SOMEONE IN MY BUNK" I shouted "it's Andy he didn't think you were coming back so we said he could have it tonight i nodded and climbed in "move over" I sniffled "you alright" he whispered "Chris has a girlfriend" I sobbed "it's ok" he said and kissed my forehead I fell asleep.

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