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Scars POV:
Bic and I got ready and left the bus linking arms we walked to askings bus and knocked the door tash opened "what do you want" she asked I ignored and stepped onto the bus "BEN DENIS JAMES" I called "COMING" they called back I turned to her and smiled sweetly "going out with my friends" "no your not" I sighed "OW OW AHHHH WHY DID YOU DO THAT SCAR WHAT WAS THAT FOR" she started screaming I looked at bic confused "wtf girl calm yourself she did nothing "AHHH SCAR STOP IT GET OF ME" she kept screaming "wtf stop" I said Cameron appeared in the door "what's going on" he asked "idk you girlfriends a looney" bic stated "SHE HIT MY CAMERON SHE PUNCHED ME" she cried and hugged to his chest "scar?" He frowned "oh my god look" I held out the back of my hands the knuckled were clean "oh right" "what were you doing" he asked tash "she punched me" she cried "no she didn't" Cameron said "YOU BELIVE HER OVER ME" she shouted "no I BELIVE proof over lies" he stated she huffed "your in for it" she hissed in my ear grabbing my wrist "get of" I whispered "no" "fine" I kicked her with the back of my spiked boot she squealed "OW" she squealed and ran of Cameron raised an eyebrow "it as self defence" I grinned "hmmm ok this once" he smiled and messed my hair up I glared at him and burst out laughing soon Ben and Denis and James appeared "you girls look nice" Ben said "thanks" bic said but I blushed and looked at the floor there was no way I was I had feelings for Ben "lets go in" Denis said and walked into the bus it was crammed and I had to sit on bens lap our going into town idea was soon put to rest as everyone fell asleep I looked up at Ben who was looking at me "what" I whisper giggled "your very pretty you know that" he said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear I blushed what about Chris I mentally groaned but before I could answer Ben pulled my chin up to face his and placed his lips on mine his lip rings cold against my lips I kissed back but felt guilty "Ben get of" I tried to push him away but it didn't work I stopped kissing and tried pushing his face again "Ben your drunk" I wriggled "can I borrow some body spra- scar?" Came a voice from behind me I didn't want to see who it was I turned slowly Chris was stood in the doorway "scar" he asked again Ben still kissing my neck "GET OF ME BEN YOU RUIN EVERYTHING BECAUSE YOUR DRUNK" I screamed "Chris please" I started "I thought you I thought that" he stammered "no no I do I do but he's drunk and we were playing video games and then he" I stammered tears starting to spill "of course he did cuz your not dressed at all sluty" he glared "Chris what the hell" I stated "I don't know why I said that" he said his mouth open "yeah" I stood up and walked out and back to my bus bic could come back when she woke up I dint want to wake her up I changed for bed and climbed into my bunk tears rolling down my face was I dressed sluty I didn't think so was it my fault that Ben kissed me I groaned and rolled over drifting into sleep.

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