Warped shows

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Scars POV: I woke up the tears of last night makes my eyes puffy I grabbed my bag from the bottom of my bunk and took out my hairbrush and bushed out my hair I then climbed out my bunk and laughed Jasmine who was fashion obsessed had bought four mannequins for us to our outfits on bic and Jasmine were up placing their outfits on them Rose was already done and her outfit was amazing i added mine making sure I had no skin showing I then went to the bathroom and showered shaving my legs I climbed out and wrapped a towel around myself and brushed my teeth and did my makeup not doing to much to avoid looking slutty I looked at my hair and straightened it then teased it a little bit I walked out and got changed "um scar" bic asked "yeah" "it's 60 degrees and your gonna wear that" she asked "yea" "is this about what Chris said" she asked "how did you" "Ben told us in the morning he's so sorry scar he was drunk and didn't mean it" she smiled "I was t holding a grudge" I said shrugging "ok then" she said I walked out the bunk area and outside "CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH GET BACK HERE" Jasmine screamed i stuck my head round the door "WHAT AND DONT CALL ME THAT" I shouted "BREAKFAST" she asked "NOT HUNGRY" I shouted back and closed the bus door walking back to the woods I climbed a tree and put my music in did what Chris said really affect me that much why did kissing Ben feel so right but so wrong why did he kiss me did he mean what he said my thoughts rushed around me until I checked the time "dam" I whispered and jumped down and ran I was late for sound check I ran to shark main stage "there you are God scar you scared us" James said hugging me "sorry" I said grabbing a bottle of water and chugging it down "ok let's go everyone ready" "YES" "ok hands in" I said excited "James is a idiot on three" "one two three JAMES IS A IDIOT" we cheered and got ready I adjusted my ear piece the chants of the crowned "SHATTERED STARS" their chants came James ran on the cheers went up then Rose ran on the only girl I knew who could run and play bass in heels there was more screaming then Jasmine again the screams got louder I ran on "HELLO LA" I shouted into the microphone "THIS FIRST SONG IS ONE YOU KNOW ALL TO WELL BY A BAND WE ALL KNOW CALLED AFI" I shouted everyone screamed "THIS IS MISS MURDER" more screams and I started the song we soon finished our set Jasmine and Rose chucked their picks into the crowd James chucked his drum stick and I chucked my water bottle as I walked of "great got guys" bic said "hug" I giggled "NO YOUR ALL SWEATY" she laughed and I took out my ear piece I walked out and we soon came across fans "can I have a picture" she asked "sure thing" we said and all leant in "no just with James please I only like James" she giggled "in case you hadn't noticed we are a band we come together and you can't only like one of us to like the band so it's all of us or none of us" James said "oh fine ok" she groaned we all leant back in and took a photo "bye" we smiled soon a five year old ran up to us "oh hello there" I smiled "hi I'm lizzie" she smiled "nice name" "I love you band" she giggled "aw thanks that means so much to all of us "I drew you this" she said and handed me a piece of paper with scribbles over it and at the top in child's writing " me and shattered stars my favourite band ever" I smiled and hugged her "would you like a photo" I asked "yes please miss" "scar please" I smiled at her she was so cute i turned to her mum and we all bent down and smiled at the camera "thanks so much" she smiled "it's no problem you just made our day" Rose laughed "may I see your tattoos" she asked "well of course" we all said Jasmine r
Showed lizzie her arm and lizzie looked carefully at the ink "it's very pretty" she beamed Rose showed her her sleeve and her back piece "that's so cool" she grinned "I like this kid" she smiled james showed her his chest piece and his sleeves "I like your chest one" she giggled "that's my favourite to" he answered I showed my sleeve and she traced the writing "who is patsy" she asked tracing over her name "she is my little cousin" I smiled "how old is she" she asked tilting her head to the side "she is now 15" I smiled at the thought of her "wow" she said "I have to go" said as her mum was glaring daggers at us "ok Bai lizzie" we said she hugged each of us bic included before running of with her mum "that made my day" Rose and Jasmine said "yea" we all joined in this was the best warped tour ever.

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