Black veil tour bus

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Scars POV:
I woke up on andy's chest and sighed memories of last night flooding back I reached for my phone and texted bic cuz I'm lazy "bic what we doing today" I texted she replied instantly "lily going out with ash Rose is going to go to the gym I'm doing nothing today" she replied "wanna have a lazy day the date didnt go well " I texted "sure thing but can I bring James from asking we are kinda a thing" "I KNEW IT AND SURE I SHIP IT" I texted back "haha ok crazy girl" "bai" "bai" I put my phone down and started poking andy's cheek he groaned "hey biersack" I whispered "uhhhh go away" he moaned "quick thing" I asked "mm go ahead" he whispered turning to me and looking at me sleepily "what you doing today" I asked "nothing" he whispered "want to spend the day with me bic and James from asking " I asked "sure thing " he said I rolled my eyes as he rolled over "ugh biersack" I said as I fell of his chest "what now" he asked "lie back on your back sir" I said he did as he was told and I lay back down on his chest "haha you've come for cuddles have you" I nodded and snuggled closer he smelt of aftershave and leather it was pleasant "aww so cute" he whispered giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist and playing with my hair I soon fell back asleep. I woke up he was lay smiling at me still messing with my hair "morning" he smiled I nodded and rubbed my eyes "you give the best hugs" he smiled I smiled back "cuddle in the lounge in a sec?" I asked he nodded as I got out and changed into a lazy outfit and moved to the front Andy sat on the sofa I walked over and sat on his lap resting my head on his shoulder "so sleepy" I whined "is that code for get scar coffee before she slips into a coma?" He asked I nodded and he stood up and started making coffee e finished and bought me my favourite duck mug there was a knock at the door I gave him a pleading look and he fell dramatically to the floor "yes lazy ass" he said as he trudged to the door "hello scar is lazy and is not up for vis-"he cut himself of and glared "she doesn't want you here" he growled "ANDY WHO IS IS" I asked he didn't answer "Gtfo cerulli before I kill you for leading her on" "SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS YOU DIP SHIT YOU KISSED HER WHEN YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND" he shouted he was actually really scary when he was angry i walked forward so I could hear Chris reply "yea but look at her she has a great body" I heard him say I placed my hand over my mouth so they wouldn't know I was there Andy growled "SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HER BODY AGAIN AND I WILL CUT YOUR BALLS OF AND SHIVE THEM INSIDE YOU GOT IT" he screamed and slammed the door he turned to face me and hugged me "hey hey it's ok he's a prick he said and held me close there was another knock at the door "PISS OF CERU- hey bic hey James" he said rubbing the back of his neck they walked in in comfy clothes I sat on the sofa Andy behind me I was sat against his legs bic and James cuddling on the other sofa we started to watch batman I looked over at bic and James cuddling James looking at her lovingly a tear rolled down my cheek that was meant to be me and Chris and me Andy wiped it away "hey it's ok we can cuddle to" he said pulling my onto his lap and holding my close I put my face into his neck and imagined if we were dating butterfly's shot down my spine at the though that weren't there when I thought of Chris and I "hey andy" I whispered "how's juliet" I asked he looked down at me "I don't know we broke up" he said I smiled into his neck before common sense kicked in if I date Andy does that make me a band slut I wondered.

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