Band sets

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Scars POV:
We sat down then Rose came rushing in "ok seeing as jaz left and she picked outfits I PICKED SOME FOR TODAY" she squealed "ok" I smiled "yay" lily giggled James rolled his eyes "girls" "HEY SHH OR I WILL DRESS YOU" I laughed he frowned as we all walked back and looked at our outfits "Rose how do you expect to play bass in heels" I asked "its easy" she laughed I took my stuff and went to the bathroom and changed doing my makeup and walked out we all linked arms James trailing behind smoking I turned around and took the cigarette out his mouth and pouted he rolled his eyes and handed me one I gave him his back and he lit mine up for me "those will kill you you know" lily said as I caught up with them "eh going out with a bang" I grinned and put it out as we approached the stage the girls played with their instruments while James got his drums ready I messed with the ear piece and got ready James ran on then Rose then me then Lily "HELO LAS VAGAS WE ARE SHATTERED STARTS AND OUR GUITARIST HAS LEFT" there was a loud aww "BUT WE HAVE A NEW AND IMPROVED GUITARIST HER NAME IS LILY GIVE HER A FUCKING CHEER" I screamed everyone cheered and lily bowed "alright here's the prophecy by asking Alexandria" I said we always did one cover song we soon finished and walked of "that was amazing lily said "haha We know" Rose laughed we walked back out I saw Ricky lent against the wall and decided to ask him for a cigarette I walked over "hey ricky" I smiled "hey scar" "can I have one" I asked and pointed to his pack" "oh yea sure thing" he said offering me the pack and lighting me up "I need to buy more" I laughed he laughed back "your set was crazy" he said I nodded ash Costello walked over with lily "hey guys" "hey" we both said "who's this" Ricky asked looking at lily "our new guitarist lily" I said he nodded "cool" Lily and ash walked of I swore they were holding hands maybe they met before oh well who was I to jump to conclusions I was walking back to the bus when two tattooed arms snaked round my waist and reached up to knock the cigarette out my mouth "those will kill you" he said I looked over my shoulder and saw Chris "hey" I smiled "hey" "you want to go out tonight with me" he asked "yeah sure" I said he smiled "come get you at 7" he said turning to go "eh excuse me sir" I said he spun around "yeah princess" he said I blushed "two things one what do I wear two where is my kiss" I grinned he bent down and kissed me "not a dress like skirt top and heels" he suggested "okey dokey bye chris" I said waving "oooooh I knew it" someone squealed I looked behind me again and saw Rose I gave her the middle finger "YAY CAN I PICK YOUR OUTFIT" she asked "yeah go for it" I said as we stepped onto the bus bvb were on our bus I sat down next to Andy "sup" he asked "nothing" I said and yawned I lay down on Andy "excuse me Andy may I lie down on your lap yes scar you may" he said in a high pitched voice "hey your on my bus" I said "fair point" he said and started playing with my hair I fell asleep I woke up still on andy's lap "hello sleeping beauty" he said smiling I grinned "what time is it gothy" I asked "really that's rude I won't tell you" I sat up and moved to sit on his lap and began plaiting his hair "tell me biersack" I said "fine you meany its 6" my eyes widened "shit" "what" "I GOT A DATE WITH CHRIS IN A HOUR" I said "wait you and Chris are a thing" he said "Yea I guess" I said "oh ok anyway I need to go" he said emotionless and got up and left how odd I ran back and saw the most amazing outfit ever.

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