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Scars POV: I woke up in my bunk I yawned and climbed out and changed into my workout things I started up my AFI album and smiled I stepped out the bus and started running.
Bens POV:
I was looking out my bunk window when I saw Scar running I gawked her sports bra showing of her flat pale stomach and her tightly fitted pants showing of that amazing ass I'm a perv I know I decided to go talk to her instead of staring I grabbed a jacket and through it on and stepped out "sup scar" I said "hey" she said slowing down "nice clothes" I smirked she blushed "um thanks" she giggles "wanna come play video games " I asked "your a bad influence" she said "I know is that a yes" "ummm only if I can borrow le jumper of yours" she asked "sure thing" I said taking it off leaving me shirtless I handed it to her and she put it on and zipped it up as we walked in James and Denis were taking up the sofa so scar had to sit in-between my legs not that I'm complaining we played for a hour before she leant back "you cheat" she laughed tracing my swallows on my chest she was soft and gentle "did not" "did too" she laughed again I smiled at her "breakfast?" I asked "sure thing" she said "waffles?" "HELL YEAH" she shouted.i stood up and roasted the waffles.
Scars POV:
"BREAKFAST" Ben called everyone came I'm then to my surprise cam came in with his arm around a girl from my high schools waist "tash?" I asked "charlotte" she glared "I got to go" I said and ran out the door.

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