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Scars POV:
We got back to the bus and I put up our picture in the lounge but I have to say I felt glum about the date with Chris "hey you on the couch" I looked up and saw Jasmine "we're going out" she stated and grabbed my arm and pointed to my outfit I loved it "get over mr motionless and come with us" she grinned I grinned back and changed into my outfit and went to the bathroom and did my makeup and lightly curled and teased my hair smiling when I was done I walked out all the girls dressed and looking stunning we linked arms and walked into town we managed to get into the night club and ran in dancing "SCAR" I heard someone shout I turned around expecting it to be one of the girls but it was Chris I walked over "what are you doing here" he asked "out with the girls " I shrugged "how come" "getting over you" I looked at the floor "I'm so so sorry scar I don't know why I said that" he said I nodded " you know it's not to late for me to make it up you know" he answered "sure" I smiled he took my hand and lead me outside he looked at me "you look stunning" he said placing an arm around me I looked at him in a suit he didn't look to bad himself he lead me into a small cafe "table for two" please she nodded and led us to the back were it was a amazing fancy restaurant "wow" I said "i know" he smiled we sat down earning funny looks from other people eating before we could order a small waiter boy came over "excuse me you have been asked to leave because the people don't like your attire" he said "whatever" Chris said and took my hand and led me outside we walked to a lake and sat by the Side of it "scar could we do this again sometime" he asked I nodded "Chris?" I asked "did you mean what you said yesterday" I asked he sighed and pulled me close to him "I don't even know why I said it you never look like a slut I was angry and it just came out" he said looking sad "sometimes when people are sad they say the truth they want to say" I said looking up at him "no no no it wasn't like that at all I wasn't thinking you hurt me so I tried to hurt you back" he said taking my chin in his hand "ok" I smiled he placed his lips onto mine and it felt right the cold metal of his piercings sending butterfly's down my spine.

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